Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oklahoma Private Investigators Should Join the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association (OPIA)

Oklahoma Private Investigators Should Join the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association (OPIA)

Oklahoma City private investigators and private investigators all throughout Oklahoma should give strong consideration to joining a professional Oklahoma private investigator organization.  Professional associations are a convenient, fun, and often inexpensive way to network with others in the private investigation field, gain additional in-service training, benefits which may include insurance, and more.  Teachers, medical doctors, dentists, process servers, and numerous others have also joined together in this same endeavor. 

One such organization in Oklahoma for private investigators is the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association (OPIA).  One can easily find the website for the organization on www.opia.com.  The men and women who spend their professional careers conducting surveillance, investigating crimes, civil cases, finding out whether a spouse has been cheating, etc., have a wonderful time.  At the monthly meetings, an Oklahoma private investigator gets to enjoy a nice lunch with colleagues, listen to guest speakers, share new ideas, and much more.  Sometimes a private investigator in Oklahoma even wins a pretty intriguing door prize.

Another great thing about the OPIA is how it brings private investigators from Oklahoma City, Edmond, Moore, Norman, Tulsa, Piedmont, Guthrie, Bethany, Yukon, Mustang, Midwest City, Del City, Stillwater, Owasso, Lawton, El Reno, and counties such as Tulsa County, Oklahoma County, Canadian County, Cleveland County – basically all throughout the state – together!  Great minds share fantastic ideas, and self-improvement is always a goal.  The chance that private investigators have to collaborate and refer clients from cities and counties that are far away from their office is an added and appreciated bonus!

The chief executive officer of Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers (www.OklahomaJudicialProcessServers.com), Dr. John Keefe II, is a proud member of the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association.  Always a strong supporter of professional organizations, Dr. Keefe encourages his staff to join the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association.  The more Oklahoma private investigators that the OPIA has, the better they can work together to help serve the clients (i.e., attorneys, governmental agencies, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals).  While it is true that private investigators often compete against one another for business, private investigators who collaborate through the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association also help bring the word “professional” into their chosen profession.   

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