Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oklahoma Notary Public Services Enhanced by Certification Training

Oklahoma Notary Public Services Enhanced by Certification Training

            Another professional field in Oklahoma which could certainly benefit from mandatory training is the notary public profession.  An individual who serves as a notary public in Oklahoma essentially just has to pay a fee, sign an affidavit, and get his or her commission.  This is probably acceptable for many types of basic services that mobile notaries perform, but it still leaves those in the profession, well, untrained and less professional.

            A wide variety of training exists that can help notaries get enhanced training.  These types of programs, many of which are online, also help notaries learn more about the applicable laws that pertain to their profession.  The National Notary Association (NNA) offers some helpful training through its site, which can be found on  Those who are serious about the profession should not only consider joining the National Notary Association, but they should also give great consideration to joining the NNA.

            The National Notary Association, which Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers gets its insurance through, also offers wonderful errors & omissions (E&O) insurance.  This helps protect notaries and even owners of companies from liability, in the event they make some kind of mistake.  A notary public in Oklahoma that does general work for the public should probably carry about $25,000 of E&O insurance, while those doing much bigger jobs for banks, etc., should carry about $100,000.  However, many notaries do not even know that such insurance is needed or even exists, as few companies or other organizations take the time to explain this to those seeking to serve as mobile notaries in Oklahoma.

            Training of some sort always helps in almost any profession, and professional notaries are no exception.  Certifications and further education in the field will not only enhance a notary public’s ability to perform his or her job, but training also builds confidence and trust in a notary public’s ability to perform the job correctly.  Thus, a little investment could pay off some big dividends to both the notary public in Oklahoma City and the clients he or she serves.

Oklahoma Process Servers Should Not Expect Much Help from the Police

Oklahoma Process Servers Should Not Expect Much Help from the Police

            Oklahoma process servers would be well advised to know in advance that they should not expect the police to assist them with most aspects of their official duties.  Part of this can be understandable, as the police are limited both in their available resources and manpower.  Likewise, the county sheriff’s department will, for a fee, also serve papers as well.  However, there are other aspects of process serving in which one would think the police should provide assistance for process servers in Oklahoma.

            One very import aspect in a process server’s work in being able to get the papers served in a timely manner.  Sometimes businesses such as Dell Computers or QuadGraphics will intentionally lie and claim a person is not there and/or will even help an employee try to evade service.  This is not only illegal, but it is highly unethical.  However, since the companies and the people that work for them are violating civil laws instead of criminal ones, they will refuse to help.  Indeed, perhaps they have a point in not getting involved in civil laws, but the police can still have their uses and be helpful to Oklahoma process servers who are in need of assistance.

            If a process server is ever threatened with physical harm or if people – certain employees of companies such as Dell and QuadGraphics or the people inside who are being served – try to hurt a process server while he or she is performing his or her duties, then the matter turns from a civil case to a criminal one.  In this case the police can and often will come out to assist a process server who has been harmed or has been threatened with bodily injury, etc.  Their duty, after all, is to protect and to serve, and they are obligated to do so.

            Sometimes private individuals, heavy-handed security guards, and others will attack or try to otherwise inflict harm upon process servers, and the police can intervene and make arrests as necessary.  Process servers should always take great care to carry their licenses at all times and follow the laws, so that they do not find themselves in trouble instead.

            Process servers in Oklahoma should also carry copies of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Oklahoma Rules of Civil Procedure on them at all times.  Sometimes the local police have no clue about the laws pertaining to process servers and what they can and cannot do.  Process servers often have to diplomatically educate them on-site, but even then the police do not always care.  After all, they are the “police” and who is a “process server” to tell them about the laws!?  Some of the outstanding process servers at have sometimes experienced this from the Edmond Police Department and others.

            As a general rule of thumb, Oklahoma process servers should still try to maintain excellent relations with the police and the departments from which they come.  While they are often less than helpful, they still have their uses, on occasion, when some people get violent.  An Oklahoma process server who knows in advance the extent to which the police will and will not help them will find that they have a much easier time not expecting too much assistance when they need it most.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Importance of Video Cameras for Oklahoma Process Servers

The Importance of Video Cameras for Oklahoma Process Servers

            Traditionally many people think of video cameras as something that, say, a licensed private investigator might have use for.  A professional Oklahoma process server would never have use for video cameras now, would they?  Well, while it is indeed true that private investigators in Oklahoma like those at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers often have more of a need for them than their process serving counterparts, this does not mean that the latter does not need them at all.  Indeed, video cameras can prove to be valuable for members of both professions.

            A lot of things can potentially happen to Oklahoma process servers when they go up to serve someone papers.  The person they are serving might be very nice and could just accept the papers.  This can make for a smooth, easy serve, but unfortunately this is not always the case. 

Some people grow angry and blame the Oklahoma process severs for serving them the papers.  Despite the fact that process servers are an impartial party to the entire process, this does not always seem to matter.  The person who just got served might try to attack the professional process server and might also curse and swear at him or her. 

Threats of violence can also take place, and a carefully mounted video camera located on a car or a tiny video camera placed on the process server’s shirt can provide invaluable evidence.  Everything needs to be documented to show the police or even a judge or jury how what happened and can exonerate the process server while showing where the real blame lies.  However, other circumstances also arise when process servers in Oklahoma can find great use for a video camera.

Sometimes people who are served will lie and will claim that they never received the papers at all.  While the courts will often believe an officer of the court over other ordinary individuals, having video evidence can help ensure that anyone claiming that he or she was not served has just perjured himself or herself in court.  This also protects Oklahoma process servers from legal liability, as it is a felony in Oklahoma for a process server to have properly claimed to have served someone papers when he or she really did no such thing.

Video cameras definitely have their place within the professional process serving profession.  When used correctly, they can record helpful evidence that can protect process servers.  This type of equipment adds an extra layer of invisible armor that serves as a shield of sorts.  Indeed, video cameras can protect private investigators and process servers both!

The Importance of Security Guards and Personal Body Guards in Oklahoma

The Importance of Security Guards and Personal Bodyguards in Oklahoma

            Security guards in Oklahoma can play a vital role in the security aspect of protecting property.  From promoting the company’s image to protecting others and keeping the peace, they serve in a variety of capacities and perform various functions.  However, their importance and the potential risks they can face often remain undervalued by society as a whole.  Without outstanding security officers, however, more crime could easily take place.

            Many unarmed and armed security guards have posts or specific rounds at the companies for which they work.  They may have been charged with the responsibility of keeping an entry gate secure or making sure that fights do not break out at specific events.  Other security guards will patrol the grounds of a building to ensure that thieves and other crooks do not steal, vandalize, or otherwise hurt the property or the individuals on it.  Safety must come first, and they are often the very first line of defense.

            Bodyguards, such as those at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers are often hired to protect individuals who are at risk.  For example, if a pharmaceutical company is trying to kill someone who is only licensing a very monetarily valuable drug but refuses to sell allow them to sell it at large, then those at the company may try to have him or her killed off.  Pharmaceutical companies can act like thugs, stopping anyone who gets in the way of their profits. 

In this case, private bodyguards and armed private investigators in Oklahoma can prove to be valuable in setting up cameras and other monitors, while discreetly blending in with the crowds and scenery, in case of an assassination attempt.  They have special tools, training, and knowledge about to how to protect people who have a reasonable suspicion that their lives may potentially be endangered.  They may cost a lot to hire, but the money spent can very well save their lives!

Oklahoma Security guards, whether unarmed or armed, and personal bodyguards can prove to play an invaluable role in the field of security.  From helping to keep the peace to protecting the lives of those who are in grave danger, they definitely have a proper place in our society.  Perhaps with time more people will recognize the efforts they put forth and will begin to value and appreciate them even more. 

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers Prepares to Offer Additional Bodyguard, Private Security, and Other Related Services

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers Prepares to Offer Additional Bodyguard, Private Security, and Other Related Services

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers is pleased to announce that it is preparing to offer additional services!  In the near future Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers will begin having armed and unarmed security guard to fulfill all of your personal security needs.  In addition, armed bodyguard services for personal protection shall also be available at very competitive rates.  These additional future services are meant to complement what we already offer – professional process servers, private investigators, expert witnesses, and notary public services.

Please be on the lookout for other services that Oklahoma Judicial Process servers might also offer with time.  The might include bail bondsmen services, too.  Please stay tuned to future press releases for the most up-to-date information available.  We look forward to servicing your needs and will work diligently with you to assist all of our current and future clients !

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oklahoma Process Servers Should Have Formal Training Courses to Help Them Succeed

Oklahoma Process Servers Should Have Formal Training Courses to Help Them Succeed

            For the sake of professionalism and the quality of work, Oklahoma process servers should have to take some kind of training class.  Right now all a process server in Oklahoma has to do is to go down to the courthouse with two passport photos, get a small process server bond, swear he or she is of sound moral character, be at least eighteen years of age, and make sure there are no felonies on his or her record.  Quite frankly, that is far too easy, and it entices many people into the profession who have no clue about what it means to be a process server.

            There are so many rules under both the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Oklahoma Rules of Civil Procedure that process servers have to follow.  These laws not only benefit them, but they also help the clients they work for.  For example, a well-trained process server should know how many attempts on service he or she should make, as well as the different types of allowable service (i.e., personal, substitute, posting, etc.).  Knowing the laws, which the process servers at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers are well versed in, can also help process servers in other ways, too.

If process servers do not know what their rights are and what they can do, businesses, individuals, and the federal government might try to exploit a process server’s lack of knowledge.  For example, some federal penitentiaries like the one in El Reno, Oklahoma refuse to allow process servers to serve process on inmates.  They will only let a sheriff’s deputies provide the service, and they claim to allow it by mail.  However, an Oklahoma process server has the same right as a sheriff’s deputies to serve process.  If a process server in Oklahoma does not know that the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure specifically allow them make this type of serve, then they may think they cannot do it when they really can.  This is just one of many examples where the laws can aid in the service of process.  Of course, laws are not the only things process servers need to know.

An excellent process server will also provide creative methods of service and will know how to find and seek out someone who is hiding.  How does someone serve an individual who is in hiding and does not wish to be found?  These are areas in which process servers should receive continual training, and yet where is the school or training to learn this?  It is true that some who enter the field of process serving may have a military and/or law enforcement background, and others will have a very natural creative ability.  However, how many humans enter the field of process serving without any such experience or knowledge of creative methods?  The number is probably higher than most people think.

Many process servers pay a large sum for their license and get their bond thinking that people will just automatically contact them.  However, professional process servers who have served in the field for any given period of time know otherwise.  To stay in the field, one must know how to form, market, and run a business and seek out and keep clients.  Unfortunately, most new process servers find themselves lacking this vital knowledge, and thus their licenses often sit there largely unused. 

These are some of the numerous reasons why process servers in Oklahoma should have to have some type of course or training like they do in Texas and in various other states.  This type of training will not only help process servers become more effective as professionals, but it might also help raise the amount of money they can charge for their services.  Until then, the field of process servers will remain saturated with an endless supply of individuals who very well may not know what they are doing.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oklahoma Private Investigators Help People In Need

Oklahoma Private Investigators Help People In Need

            There are many times when a private investigator in Oklahoma can really help people in need.  Too often the police either will not assist or are not equipped to assist with various areas that private investigators cover.  Police officers and other law enforcement officials are often overburdened as it is, and this can make their ability to assist limited.  This is where private investigators can prove to be especially helpful.

            One instance where an Oklahoma private investigator like those at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers can really assist others is when they suspect that a spouse might be cheating on them.  From video surveillance to recording conversations and tracking devices, an experienced private investigator can often find out whether the person really is cheating or remaining faithful.  The evidence they collect can be especially helpful in court, where a judge or party to the case might call upon the private investigator to testify.

            Another instance where private investigator can come in particularly handy is when someone is suspected of committing a crime.  For example, cases have come up where a son or daughter is thought to be “overmedicating” an elderly parent in order to speed up the death process and thus the accompanying inheritance.  In this instance, a private investigator might be able to catch the offender and make the arrest right then and there. 

While the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS) and the local police departments could get involved in the matter, they are often hesitant to want to do so for liability purposes.  Private investigators are often willing to go the extra mile and have to be covered by liability insurance.  Making an investment in hiring a private investigator could end up saving the parent’s life!

Sometimes people think that someone has bugged an appliance or other part of their houses, their cars, etc.  Listening bugs, video cameras, and other illegal surveillance material really might exist in a person’s home.  This is not a matter private investigators take lightly, and they have just the right equipment to handle the job.  They can easily sweep the area and tell you what they find.  Oklahoma private investigators might not find anything at all or they could find something that someone has put in place to spy on someone.  Either way, finding out can bring peace of mind and can help the client know what action to take next.

Needless to say, private investigators have a multitude of uses and can assist in a wide variety of ways.  From video surveillance to looking into burglaries and more, hiring an Oklahoma private investigator can prove to be a noteworthy investment.  They will charge a fee for their services, but the results can often prove to be invaluable.         

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers Officially Joins the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association (OPIA)

            Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers (OJPS) is proud to announce that its owner, Dr. John Patrick Keefe II, has officially joined the Oklahoma Private Investigator Association (OPIA).  This association is something that all professional private investigators should belong to.  The organization helps its members stay current on legal issues and stay current in the field.  It also provides networking opportunities and more.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers is very pleased to now have executive officers within its organization who are members of this wonderful organization.  

Monday, July 16, 2012

       The Weird, the Wild, and the Outright Hilarious Tales of Oklahoma Private Investigators            

            Experienced private investigators in Oklahoma often see some pretty fascinating cases.  These can range from things that are dangerous to those that are just plain odd.  Here you will hear about a tale from a private investigator that might just make you laugh!

            One day a private investigator was out with his video camera watching a woman whom the insurance company had suspected of pretending to be hurt.  The lady in question was a fourty-year-old exotic dancer, and she had supposedly gotten hurt while on the job.  However, the insurance company suspected fraud, so they sent this Oklahoma private investigator out to look into the matter.

            After sitting in his car in the hot sun for some time, guess who emerged from the house?  Yes, the woman came out into her backyard.  However, apparently she was hardly far from hurt, as she began bouncing up and down on her trampoline.  This in and of itself would definitely prove, short of some new “trampoline therapy,” that she was uninjured, but the story doesn’t end there. 

What makes this story so interesting is the fact that the lady was in fact dancing in the nude!  Yes, her boobs were bouncing up and down as the private investigator caught everything on tape.  Trying to contain himself from laughing and getting slightly turned on at the same time, he could not wait to get the video back to the office.  It is believed that many people found the tape to be very interesting indeed.

Now, one might ask what kind of defense the woman would have used against this?  Trampoline therapy?  Insanity?  Who knows?  Whatever the case, the private investigator got this case solved and the woman probably had to go find another job.  The evidence against her was too overwhelming, and this shows how private investigators can often get work done that the police simply do not want to mess with.  For more weird and wacky private investigator stories, please contact the experts at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers

Thursday, July 5, 2012

More Creative Approaches for Process Servers in Oklahoma

More Creative Approaches for Process Servers in Oklahoma
            Process servers in Oklahoma can utilise many creative approaches to serving individuals who just do not want anyone to be able to find them.  In earlier posts, the staff at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers has noted several meritorious ways in which a process server can use new methods to get legal documents to someone.  Now it is essential to proffer a few other ways that might be of use to those professionals in the legal field.
            One cool but seldom-used technique involves a baby carriage.  Who can resist peeking out the door and seeing a baby’s little carriage right there in front of their door?  If a process server is sure to add a realistic but nonliving human-looking baby and the papers to be served inside of the carriage, the person lurking in the house just might let curiosity get the better of him or her.  It is important for process servers in Oklahoma to retrieve the carriage and the toy baby thereafter, and they should not be afraid to possibly lose the props.
            Another creative method involves the use of a well-trained dog or cat.  If the person being served is hiding out and a process server wants to verify whether or not the person in question is actually living there, a cute dog or cat just might do the trick.  By delicately placing the papers right inside of the collar of a cat or in a little carrying case underneath a dog’s neck, the pet-loving person might just take the bait.  If the dog or cat is adept at pawing at doors or meowing or barking when hearing a silent whistle, process servers will find this method even more effective.  Process servers should, however, make sure to keep a close eye on their cats or dogs, as they could inadvertently become targets of possible violence with dangerous clients.
            One trick for getting someone served can be when a process server pretends to be someone who is lost and just looking for directions – especially when carrying a small child!  Most people would probably not suspect someone with a little kid to be serving papers?  Of course, Oklahoma process servers should not use this trick when the guy or girl being served could be dangerous!
            These are just a few of many tricks of the trade that process servers in Oklahoma can use when trying to get people who are avoiding service to come out of hiding.  There are a variety of unique and creative ways to get the job done.  Process servers who have done a little research about the people they want to serve can find out what their weaknesses and proclivities are.  Remember that Knowledge is power!  If you are a process server and wish to join the team at Oklahoma Judicial Process servers, please visit our website and learn how!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Process Servers With Their “Officer of the Court” Badges Can Find More Success

Process Servers With Their “Officer of the Court” Badges Can Find More Success

            Process servers in Oklahoma who utilize an “officer of the court” badge can often find more success over those who do not.  Process Servers in Oklahoma are indeed by law considered officers of the court for the purpose of serving legal papers.  Therefore, it is important to consider having a badge made from a store such as and to keeping it handy when out on official business.  There are many reasons why this is important, as well as times when using this type of badge is not such a good idea.

            A badge which states that a process server is an officer of the court makes him or her look more professional.  While process servers do not have the same rights and responsibilities of deputies and police officers and should not present themselves as such, badges make process servers look more official.  Unless a police officer is undercover, one would not expect him or her to perform his or her duties without wearing a badge, right?  Well, process servers are no different, and a badge can often afford extra benefits and protections to a process server.

            Sometimes getting needed information from people when a client is avoiding service can be tough to do.  At other times, individuals being served might even ask process servers for identification, which by law they are required to show.  However, putting a laminated copy of one’s license inside of the holder that process servers carry their badge around in and showing it with their badge, when appropriate, can sometimes in and of itself convince people to be more cooperative. 

Most people have no idea what or who an officer of the court is or what he or she can or cannot do.  Indeed, many could care less about providing helpful information to a process server, as they often bring bad news for the person(s) they are serving.  However, an officer of the court on official business is often a very different matter. 

Individuals process servers meet out in the field might think to themselves, “What could they do to me if I don’t help them?”  Well, in truth there is usually very little that a process server can legally do.  However, they may not know that!  What other people do not know can benefit process servers! 

Additionally, even though process servers are not involved in either side of a court case, some people may not know this and/or are unable to disassociate facts from reality.  Ergo, individuals having court papers served on them may feel less inclined to want to hurt process servers if they view them as more professional and official.  While there is no guarantee either way, it is less likely that someone will want to hurt someone bearing a badge and carrying pepper spray, a stun gun, handcuffs, etc., as opposed to a process server wearing a T-shirt and jeans.

Another excellent use of an officer of the court badge comes into play when someone is skittish about opening a door to another person he or she does not know.  Having the badge and your license there with it to present to people who ask, “Who is there?” from behind a closed door can often help people feel more at ease.  Of course, it is true that some might feel scared off by those they view as an authority figure or official – especially if they are running away from the law or have a negative mindset and/or or hold stereotypes about anyone “official.”  However, wearing this type of badge or showing it from its case is not always a plausible idea.   

There are also times when wearing a badge can negatively impact an Oklahoma process server’s ability to make the serve.  One of these examples is when a process server wants the element of surprise.  If an officer of the court goes somewhere that has a population with a proclivity to be suspicious of the police, FBI, officers of the court, etc., then wearing or flashing a badge could backfire and close many doors.  It could also encourage the gentleman or lady being served to go into hiding or flee the area altogether. 

Whether to use a badge largely depends on the population a process server is around and the best tactical approach.  Wearing an official officer of the court badge can indeed have various uses and drawbacks.  They do cost money to order, but sometimes a little investment can pay huge dividends in the field.  Essentially, it all comes down to being an important judgment call and doing a cost/benefit analysis of a badge’s worth.  For more information, please contact the excellent staff at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers