Saturday, March 30, 2013

Oklahoma City Private Investigators Need to Wear Proper Attire When On Duty

            Oklahoma City private investigators should be mindful about what they wear while on duty.  This is particularly true for armed private investigators in Oklahoma, who may carry weapons which they must conceal.  There are many factors when it comes to proper clothing attire which can affect an Oklahoma private investigator’s performance.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers examines some of the circumstances in which certain clothing could prove to be more desirable for private investigators.

             It goes without saying that private investigators should dress professionally.  That being said, an adept private investigator also has to blend in with his or her environment.  Thus, whereas a coat and tie might work in one situation, a T-shirt and a ball cap might be most appropriate in another.  While dressing professionally for any profession is indeed vital, wearing the right attire for the occasion is equally essential, if not more so, for Oklahoma private investigators.

            Private investigators should also be mindful about the various weather conditions they will be working in.  If it is going to rain, then the need for rain jackets, umbrellas, and other such gear could come in quite handy.  If, on the other hand, it is going to be extremely hot, then sunglasses, a light T-shirt and shorts will probably prove to be much more desirable.  Given Oklahoma’s sometimes bizarre and volatile weather conditions, the weather can change at any moment.  A skilled Oklahoma private investigator will often keep a set of backup clothes into which he or she can change as the need arises.

                Oklahoma City private investigators who carry firearms also need to wear clothing that will help them easily conceal protective guns, tasers, etc., that they carry.  Most private investigators do not want those they are investigating to know what they are carrying, if anything, or where it is located.  By wearing jackets with special pockets and other loose clothing, a licensed private investigator can help conceal what he or she is carrying.  This helps put the private investigator at a tactical advantage and aids in decreasing his or her risk level.

            Private investigators working for private detective agencies might have other corporate attire that they must wear.  While most private investigation firms do not require their Oklahoma private investigators to wear clothing which will distinguish them as working for a private investigation agency or as a private investigator, some do.  However, anyone working as a professional private investigator who is sporting easily recognizable clothing which associates him or her with a private detective agency or as a private investigator, is going to find himself or herself at a significant strategic disadvantage.

            There are a plethora of reasons as to why Oklahoma private investigators should dress professionally and appropriately.  What private investigators wear and when they wear it can have a significant impact on their overall success or failure.  The overall goal of private investigators is to follow the laws, try to bring his or her clients the greatest amount of success, and to stay safe in the process.  Clothing can indeed play a significant part in this process.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Oklahoma Armed Private Investigators Face Critical Ammunition Shortage

Oklahoma Armed Private Investigators Face Critical Ammunition Shortage

            As hunters, sportsmen, law enforcement officers, security guards, and others throughout Oklahoma rush to buy all of the ammunition they can, some Oklahoma City private investigators have found themselves without.  Of course, there are many causes for this shortage, and it poses a direct security risk for those who really do engage in dangerous professions.  Without adequate ammunition for firearms, Oklahoma bodyguards, police officers, private detectives, process servers, and others may lack what the need to perform their duties to the best of their abilities.  It is important that those at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers examine the causes of the ammunition shortage, how professionals can cope with it, as well as what society as a whole can do to prevent more shortages in the future. 

In the wake of multiple mass school and theater shootings, many people have turned to carrying firearms and buying up all of the ammunition they can.  The media’s coverage of these killings has played a tremendous part in hyping up the shootings, inadvertently encouraging subsequent killings by other would-be copycat killers who want their fifteen minutes of infamy.  Thus, the public finds itself scared, and many people in American society rush out to buy weapons and ammunition to protect themselves.   This jeopardizes the well-being of armed Oklahoma private investigators, who serve in more dangerous capacities on a regular basis and often need these bullets to protect themselves from harm.  Of course, other reasons for the ammunition shortage also exist.

            Many people fear that President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party will take away all of their firearms and ammunition.  Once again, the media, often backed by the National Rifle Association (NRA), gun dealers, ammunition manufacturers, lobbyists, politicians, corporate stock holders, and other private individuals, both directly and indirectly strike fear into the hearts of those in America.  Fearing some new drastic change in the law, people have once again significantly increased the rate at which they have stockpiled weapons and ammunition.

            These shootings and everyone who has been involved in them have proven to be very “good” business for many interest groups.  While private investigators have suffered, all of the aforementioned have profited greatly from the mass killings and evasive anti-weapon laws.  Since the demand for firearms and ammunition has greatly outpaced capacity, something that gun and ammunition manufacturers, among others, surely “could not have seen coming”, they and their supporters have reaped in enormous financial profits.  Thus, while special interest groups have once again scammed Americans through fear, private detectives in Oklahoma have found themselves in greater peril.

            Oklahoma City private investigators need to help take the lead in trying to calm the fears of those around them, through meaningful education about what is really taking place.  While the United States Constitution guarantees the right of citizens to bear arms, the panic special interest groups have intentionally caused is only causing a gun and ammunition shortage, and it is also unnecessarily pushing up the prices.  This is exactly what the gun and ammunition manufacturers want and runs contrary to what is most helpful to society.  Quite frankly, it is very un-American.    

If a private investigator cannot conduct an investigation because he or she does have the needed firearms to feel safe on the job, this hurts the profession.  Since armed private detectives often find themselves in greater danger than those working in other fields, they should at least get a higher preference category during these shortages.  Of course, creating this special class might inadvertently cause resentment among non-private investigators.  This could lead to a backlash against Oklahoma private investigators and those who own and run private detective agencies. 

People should remember to keep calm, turn off the mostly negative news media, and should not panic to go buy up all of the guns and ammunition they can find.  Violence prevention and the elimination of fear, panic and price gouging start with each individual person, and together we can keep these special interest groups who wish to make a killing off of the masses from prevailing.  If those in our society fail to do so, they will only cause increased harm to those (i.e., private investigators) who are actually in much more dangerous situations than they. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Why Oklahoma Process Servers are Paid Well Below the Regional Average

Why Oklahoma Process Servers are Paid Well Below the Regional Average

            Compared to process servers in other states, Oklahoma process servers earn far below the regional average.  This does not just apply to process servers, but also to teachers and other professionals.  What often happens is that the best teachers and process servers in other states travel elsewhere (i.e., Texas) to make a reasonable living.  This is unfortunate, as it causes a “brain drain” per se of some of Oklahoma’s most talented individuals.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers examines the complexities behind this phenomenon.      

A process server performing a standard serve in Oklahoma often earns around fifty dollars, which is what a sheriff’s deputy makes.  On the contrary, a process server in Dallas, Texas, which is only about three hours away from Oklahoma City, can easily receive eighty-five or ninety-five dollars per local service of process.  Likewise, process servers in Arkansas, Kansas, and other states also generally receive more money than an Oklahoma process server does.  This can become quite problematic for those wishing to serve process throughout the State of Oklahoma.

Perhaps part of the reason Oklahoma process servers make relatively small amounts has to do with the fact that obtaining a process server license is far too easy.  In order to become a process server in Oklahoma, all one has to do is to is to get some passport photos made, pay the fee, and receive the license.  Unfortunately, no education, training, or other experience is required. 

State law does not require process servers to know the process serving laws or perform any type of internship.  While the individual must be at least eighteen years of age and of “good moral character” that is also absent any felonies, that is about it.  Perhaps this is yet another reason why process servers in Oklahoma not only make a relatively little amount of money, but is also a contributing factor as to why the general  public often holds Oklahoma process servers in relatively low regard.  Of course, as noted earlier, process servers are not the only one to experience this salary discrepancy.

A teacher in Oklahoma with a doctoral degree and ten years of teaching experience can actually make substantially less than a teacher in Texas with a master’s degree and fewer years of experience.  While some might contend that the cost of living is higher in Texas, this is usually not the case.  Likewise, teachers in both states have to undergo similar training requirements.  Thus, if the amount and type of training is not the issue, then what is?

Many have long contended that the economy in Texas and other states is higher than Oklahoma’s.  While this might prove true to some degree for some areas in Texas, the same cannot be said for those in Kansas or Arkansas, where the economic differences between there and Oklahoma are really quite minimal.  What, then, could the other factors be that make the fields of teaching, process serving, etc., pay so much less in Oklahoma than in other states?

Oklahoma has not been known in the international or even regional arenas to place a high value on education.  Given that Oklahoma’s economy has long been agriculture-based where formal education was unnecessary, the importance that many residents have traditionally placed on schooling has not kept up with those in certain other states.  Likewise, a strong correlation between the value placed upon education and teachers’ salaries exists.  Needless to say, the same holds true for process servers.  

With the exception of attorneys and those who need to have papers served in an efficient manner, many people in Oklahoma simply do not value process servers.  When one takes the complete lack of educational requirements and experience required for a process server license into account, this just lowers the standards of the profession and thus the pay.  In order for process servers to receive higher pay, three things will need to happen, which are as follow:

ü  Oklahoma will need to value its Oklahoma City process servers more.
ü  Oklahoma needs to establish more advanced training and educational requirements for process server licensing.
ü  Oklahoma’s process servers need to unionize for better wages, and they need lobbyists at the state capitol.
ü  The “economic recovery” really needs to continue to materialize, thereby reducing the number of people who apply to become process servers. 
ü  Oklahoma’s population as a whole needs to value its process servers more, which is a difficult task given that they often bring unwelcomed news.

            Unless and until the aforementioned things take place, a process server in Oklahoma is likely going to continue to make less money than their colleagues who live and work in other nearby states.  Unless Oklahoma process servers, teachers and other professionals take a strong stand and work to help make their profession one that is more organized, trained, and valued by society, then they, like teachers, will likely continue to make a very minimal amount of money.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How a Notary Public in Oklahoma Can Make the Best Bargain With Loan Signing Companies

How a Notary Public in Oklahoma Can Make the Best Bargain With Loan Signing Companies

            Professional notaries public put a great deal of time and effort into their work.  This is especially true for mobile notaries who utilize their cars, gasoline, mileage, printers, paper, etc.  Indeed, an Oklahoma notary public may also carry errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, and may have successfully completed specialised notary public training courses.  When also factoring in the cost of the commission, notary supplies, advertising costs, etc., this can prove to be quite a large investment.  This is precisely why Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers wants other notaries in Oklahoma to know how to ensure that signing agents and title companies pay them fairly for their services.

            Once a notary public has gotten himself or herself set up with all of the commissions, training, supplies, etc., phone calls are likely to follow.  While Oklahoma currently has a set maximum price of $5.00 per signature if someone comes to meet a notary at his or her home or office, there is no such limit when the mobile notary travels to the client.  While some signings that require the services of a mobile notary might include individual clients who are seeking car title changes, wills, etc., other more lucrative contracts will come from loan signing agencies such as Banc-Serv.    
Loan signing and title companies often require services for home loans, sellers’ packages, refinancing loans, and more.  It is important to keep in mind that the banks, title companies, and the loan signing agencies all stand to make a profit from the transaction, and mobile notaries should as well.  This is why it is imperative for notaries in Oklahoma to try to find out how much their corporate client stands to make off of the deal.

Mobile notaries will seldom, if ever, make more than their clients do, as this takes away the financial benefits and incentives for their business.  However, if the loan signing company stands to make $200, it might be willing to pay $150 for a new home loan.  Of course, since loan signing companies are also out to make a profit, they are going to try to find the best notaries around for the cheapest possible price.  This is where the cost benefit analysis for this field becomes especially important. 

Finding the right balance between how much a notary public can get for his or her services and what the client is willing to pay becomes crucial.  If an Oklahoma City notary public is always setting the price very high, others mobile notaries may receive more calls than those with lower prices.  Of course, those who prostitute themselves out for next to nothing will get more phone calls, but they will also make less money for their time. 

It is also important to note that a signing agency’s first offer to a notary public is generally not as high as it can really go.  Thus, if a signing agency offers $75 for a relatively small signing, it can usually increase that amount.  It seldom benefits notaries to settle for the first offer they receive from new customers.  Responding politely with a fair counteroffer can often help net the best possible fees.

Aside from the aforementioned, Oklahoma notaries should really consider the following additional factors when setting their mobile notary fees, which include but are not limited to the following:

Ø  How soon the service needs to be done
Ø  Whether or not bilingual services are needed
Ø  The time of day the signing needs to take place
Ø  The distance to and from the signing (i.e., mileage and gas)
Ø  The number of pages the notary will need to print out
Ø  Whether the signing will take place on a weekend and/or holiday
Ø  Postage costs and whether special trips to FedEx Office or the United States Post Office will be necessary
Ø  Whether or not the client wants everything or even certain pages faxed back or sent via e-mail
Ø  Other individual/personal factors and considerations for the notary

The more of the aforementioned that the signing agency or title company requires, the higher the Oklahoma City notary public should set the price.  Time is money, and supplies also cost money. 

It is imperative that notaries public not set their standards too low and work for too little.  This pushes down the price for professional notaries so much that it makes it harder for all other mobile notaries to thrive.  Mobile notaries who have a clear understanding of the signing agent’s needs, how much company is getting, and how much time and supplies are required from the Oklahoma notary public, can often negotiate the best possible price.   

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oklahoma Private Investigators: Armed or Unarmed While on Duty?

Oklahoma Private Investigators: Armed or Unarmed While on Duty?

            It goes without saying that those who serve as private detectives in Oklahoma often face significant danger while on and off the job.  As discreet as they often are, private detectives remain vulnerable to both physical and psychological attacks.  This is especially true for private investigators who serve as bodyguards, private security, and those who investigate criminal matters.  Whether the private investigation entails a minor civil matter or a dangerous criminal one, the question remains: should private investigators arm themselves while on and off duty?  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers examines this issue . . .

            In order to become licensed to carry firearms, private investigators in Oklahoma must first go through a psychological examination, training in firearm accuracy and safety, and other Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) certification tests.  Only once an Oklahoma private investigator has adequately met all of these requirements can he or she carry a gun.  Is a gun really necessary though?  All of the experts in the field are unable to unanimously agree.

            For some Oklahoma private investigators who perform investigations into dangerous matters and protect high profile individuals, they obviously need to carry some sort of weapon.  In many situations, not carrying some kind of weapon could prove especially detrimental to a private investigator’s health.  This is especially true when facing armed and especially crazy or angry individuals, as law enforcement officials could take a long time to arrive on the scene to provide assistance in emergency situations. 

            Other private investigators in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Moore, Norman, Yukon, Mustang, Stillwater, and elsewhere in Oklahoma simply do not feel comfortable with the idea of carrying a firearm.  They may have an aversion to guns, which are sometimes necessary in the private investigation profession.  Of course, they may prefer other items such as pepper spray, shock knuckles, tasers, etc., instead of a gun.  Others may not want the liability, costs, maintenance, or increased insurance rates that often accompany firearms. 

            Whether using a firearm or nothing at all, the decision about whether to use them or not essentially comes down to two main factors: the private investigator’s comfort level with guns and the overall danger levels he or she faces.  Each private detective agency must ultimately decide whether or not to allow its private investigation staff to carry firearms while on duty.  However, each Oklahoma City private investigator must determine for himself or herself whether to carry a firearm while off duty.  After carefully weighing their options, is it better for private investigators to be safe than sorry?  Do the risks the profession carries with it merit the use of firearms?  At the end of the day, each private investigator must ultimately decide this for himself of herself.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

Oklahoma City Private Investigators Who Provide Expert Witness Testimony in Courts Should Come Prepared

Oklahoma City Private Investigators Who Provide Expert Witness Testimony in Courts Should Come Prepared

            Oklahoma City private investigators will sometimes find that they must provide expert witness testimony in Oklahoma’s various courts.  Whether they are needed to attest to incidents they saw or to counter another private detective’s testimony on procedural grounds, Oklahoma private investigators always need to come prepared.  Private detectives have a duty bound obligation to do so in a professional manner that will best benefit everyone involved in the case.  By following a few best practices for the profession that Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers suggests, those conducting private investigations can accomplish this with much greater ease.

            First and foremost, it is important for all private investigators to practice answering questions in their head that attorneys and judges might ask them.  Sometimes it can help if the attorney that has hired the private investigator reviews those possible questions with him or her in advance.  While it is vital that attorneys do not coach private investigators, it sometimes helps to practice what one might say and the manner in which he or she says it before taking the stand. 

Of course, it is important to remember that lawyers and judge may ask questions that the private investigator has not yet considered.  Trying to memorize answers is seldom a good idea; rather, it is more desirable to have a general idea of what one might say.  Initial questions may include, but are not limited to, “What are your educational and field-related training areas?” and, “How long have you worked as a private investigator?”  Then again, some Oklahoma City private investigators do better flying by the seat of their pants.  Whatever the case, the expert witness testimony should come out freely and should not look rehearsed.

Another important aspect of expert witness testimony is to always tell the truth.  While individuals and attorneys hire private investigators and pay them for their services, this does not mean they have to lie or otherwise embellish the truth.  In fact, ethical standards of the profession strictly prohibit it.  Besides, what court case is worth getting caught lying on the stand and subsequently charged with perjury?

Sometimes it is easy for those on the stand to want to add a commentary or even become emotional.  However, the facts are what count the most.  Many legal professionals and juries alike often do not view Oklahoma private investigators who add unnecessary opinions, unless specifically asked for them, or who become emotional as very professional.  Doing so is likely to make the expert witness testimony less credible and is something all private investigators should strive to avoid.

Private investigators who are providing expert witness testimony should never argue while on the stand.  Astute attorneys may try to goad a licensed private investigator into a debate or argument, but this will only work against the person testifying.  Someone who is telling the truth in a professional manner does not need to raise his or her voice, argue, debate, etc.

An Oklahoma private investigator should also come to court on time and dressed professionally.  If a private investigator wants the judge, jury, the attorneys, and the client(s) to take the testimony he or she provides seriously, then proper attire and mannerisms are imperative.  Who would take a judge seriously if he or she came to the bench in a nightgown and cap?  How a private investigator in Oklahoma looks and acts is almost as important as what he or she says.

These are just a few of the best practices that all of those serving in the private investigation field should follow.  Indeed, private investigations and the testimony that those running effective private detective agencies can provide sometimes helps make or break a case.  Expert witness testimony in courts throughout Oklahoma is a very serious matter, and everyone involved should take it very seriously.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Oklahoma Private Investigators Who Spy on Each Other: Effective Tips and Techniques

Oklahoma Private Investigators Who Spy on Each Other: Effective Tips and Techniques

            Sometimes Oklahoma private investigators find themselves the target of counterintelligence and surveillance.  People hire other private investigators to follow and track other Oklahoma private investigators for a variety of reasons.  The Oklahoma Private Investigator Association (OPIA) might be conducting a background check on a new applicant.  Perhaps the subject of investigation wants to get the “goods” on an Oklahoma private investigator who is set to testify in a court proceeding.  Whatever the case, the staff at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers knows that there are definitely ways in which private investigators can counter various forms of counterintelligence and surveillance.

            The first and most important thing to do is to recognize that someone is trying to conduct surveillance.  The person could be videotaping the private investigator, taking photos or voice recordings of him or her, etc.  Whatever the case, it is imperative to find the source of the recording device.  The Oklahoma private investigator needs to thwart whatever is recording or otherwise collecting the information about him or her, as well as the person doing it. 

If the device is a planted bug, tracking device, or other stationary equipment, then those can be deactivated and saved in a secure location for future evidence.  If an individual is the one actually holding and performing the recording/surveillance via a video camera or other device, then taking the equipment away is not possible.  Under the latter circumstance, there are several precautions to take.

Firstly, it is important not to confront the other private investigator or otherwise let him or her know that his or her surveillance campaign is known.  Doing this makes it easier to give Oklahoma private investigators conducting counterintelligence on other private investigators a false sense of security.  Besides, private investigators are expensive, so it does not benefit the other party to waste money when their private investigator’s results will now definitely not amount to anything.  Thus, it is imperative to continue going about the daily routine, making very sure not to do anything bad that they might be looking for or that could otherwise discredit an upstanding private investigator in a courtroom.

            After this task is done, it is then important to find out the identity of the private investigator that is doing the spying.  Armed with this knowledge, there may be a plethora of information on the Internet, from neighbours, or other sources.  Having knowledge and insights into the life of the private investigator who is following you can help one determine possible educational and training backgrounds, work habits, tactics, etc.  Fortunately, there are often a wide variety of ways to ascertain information about private investigators!

            One way to get information about the person spying on another private investigator is to simply hire yet another private investigator to spy on him or her.  This route can prove costly, however, and that private investigator’s actions might not even be very important to the situation at hand.  Of course, by hiring someone else, it frees the private investigator who is currently getting spied on to move about more freely as if nothing else is going on.  He or she can then track the Oklahoma private investigator who is now conducting the surveillance, etc.

            Another method is to try to very casually collect the private investigator’s information (i.e., license plate number, name, etc.) while being spied upon.  This requires more maneuvering, stealth, and skill, as it has to be done without tipping the other private investigator off to the fact that his or her presence is well known.  In these situations, the use of hidden cameras, etc., can come in very handy indeed!  If done right, finding ways to counter counterintelligence and surveillance on one’s own can save money and might yield desirable results.

            Once a person has the Oklahoma private investigator’s information (i.e., license plate number, address, photos, etc.), then sites like, Facebook, Google, the Oklahoma private investigator’s neighbours, and other sources become invaluable.  These sources can provide insights into who the person is and possible motives for the surveillance.

            While private investigators are not spied upon very often, it can and sometimes does happen.  Oklahoma private investigators who know how to effectively counter surveillance and get to the truth can often do both themselves and their clients a big favour.  It is vital that private investigators remember the importance of never making the situation worse in the process.  Otherwise, attempting to thwart surveillance and counterintelligence can backfire.      

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oklahoma City Process Servers Deserve Respect and Dignity

Oklahoma City Process Servers Deserve Respect and Dignity

For far too long, process servers have not received the respect and dignity they deserve.  Too many people try to harm, harass, and sometimes kill them.  Oklahoma process servers place their lives in grave danger each time they go out into the field to try to serve an individual, as some people react in very uncivil and violent ways.  For those in Oklahoma that wish to intimidate, maim, and kill process servers, Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers hopes that they remember a few things about the people working in this field.

These Oklahoma residents, who are officers of the court, work very hard to support both themselves and their families.  They are just trying to earn an honest living.  An Oklahoma process server does not want to hurt anyone or cause harm.  Instead, a process server merely wants to accomplish the job and go home.  How does it make sense to yell at them and/or try to shoot them?  Is that not illegal and immoral?    

Licensed by the courts, Oklahoma process servers are messengers of the court.  They are not the ones who filed the lawsuit or other court papers against anyone.  Instead, they are obligated to act as a disinterested party.  A process server does not care who prevails in the court hearing; rather, he or she just wants to deliver the papers.  People do not get angry with the mailman for delivering bills or other news, right?  Well, then why would someone hurt someone who is merely bringing the message?  Unscrupulous people need to remember not to kill the messenger!

Lastly, please remember that process servers are also fellow human beings.  Yes, that is right: they have thoughts, feelings, and dreams, too.  Like any other human being, they deserve the very same respect, dignity and kindness that everyone else does.  It would be wrong to hit one’s mum, dad, teacher, religious leader, etc.  Why, then, is it okay to insult and attack an Oklahoma process server?  While process servers may bring news that is often undesirable, he or she did not write what is on the papers.  Oklahoma process servers are not bad people and do not deserve unwarranted, unnecessarily, and sometimes deadly wrath of angry, mean, hateful recipients.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Oklahoma Private Investigators: Collaboration Versus Competition

Oklahoma Private Investigators: Collaboration Versus Competition

Teachers, like many other professionals, often collaborate with others in their field.  They usually work toward a common goal, and they want to achieve their desired results.  These individuals are often willing to share ideas, materials, methods, and will usually lend one another a helping hand.  Though schools are businesses by their very nature, they differ greatly from other professional fields like private investigation.  Based upon a more competitive, profit-driven philosophy, many people in these companies are only concerned with profits for themselves and those who work for them.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers must ask, “Is collaboration between professionals in such a competitive market feasible?”

Collaboration, even among sworn enemies, is certainly possible.  Unfortunately, many private investigators will seek self-preservation and profits over lending a helping hand to those working for other private detective agencies.  People working for the same company will often collaborate and assist one another, but competing companies tend to be less likely to want to do so.  While maximizing profits and trying to get an edge over one’s competition is certainly understandable in a for-profit field, pure competition among Oklahoma City private investigators is often detrimental to the profession as a whole.

Many private investigators do help their colleagues within the profession, and it is important not to overgeneralize.  However, it is still extremely important for private investigators to remember that helping one another is an vital task.  By sharing ideas, techniques, methods, and advice, everyone can help one another grow and achieve their maximum potential.  Instead of always fearing competition, networking and helping each other can actually stimulate more business growth between private investigation agencies.

The next time a new Oklahoma private investigator asks for advice, consider why we are here on this earth.  Are we here merely to help ourselves or each other as well?  What happens if we need advice?  To whom should we turn?  Have we treated our fellow private investigator like we ourselves would like to be treated?  At what point can fear, greed, competition, and the need for power over others cause harm – from the beginning?  It matters not if the field is a for-profit or a non-profit area; all Oklahoma City private investigators and teachers should try to put their egos aside and assist one another.