Sunday, August 19, 2012

Oklahoma Process Servers, Private Investigators, Security Guards, and Bodyguards Should Take Careful Precautions When Arresting a Suspect

Oklahoma Process Servers, Private Investigators, Security Guards, and Bodyguards Should Take Careful Precautions When Arresting a Suspect
            There are times when many Oklahoma process servers, private investigators, security guards, and bodyguards will have to make an arrest at some point in their professional careers.  While working in these capacities, these individuals need to know when they can arrest someone and how to properly do so.  Having this knowledge will not only protect process servers, private investigators, security guards, and bodyguards and their clients protected from legal ramifications, but will also help ensure their safety and that of their client as well.
            Firstly, it is noteworthy to mention that the aforementioned individuals have the same authority to arrest someone as any other private individual does.  This type of arrest power is commonly called a “citizen’s arrest” and is not as extensive in the scope and authority as that of a law enforcement official (i.e., police officer, Federal Bureau of Investigation agent, etc.).  However, only having a citizen’s arrest authority also comes with special perks, as no citizen of the United States is ever legally obligated to actually arrest another human being.  Of course, whether or not Oklahoma process servers, private investigators, security guards, and bodyguards believe they have a moral obligation is up to their own conscience.
            Before any process server, private investigator, security guard, or bodyguard decides to make an arrest, there are several requirements that must first be met.  These professionals, much like any other citizen, may only arrest another individual if a perpetrator has committed one or more of the following acts:
a)     The person has committed  or has attempted to commit a public offense in their presence.
b)     The perpetrator has committed a felony, even though it was not in the presence of a process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard.
c)     The process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard knows that someone has committed a felony, and he or she has reasonable cause to believe that the person he or she is arresting is the one who committed it.
            Before making an arrest, it is important for security guards and bodyguards to try to call for backup.  Having another security guard or bodyguard, etc., there to assist makes matters much easier.  Having a “two on one” confrontational situation is usually so much easier than having a one-on-one scenario, provided there are more security guards than perpetrators.  It is important to put the odds during any potential combat setting in favour of the security guard, bodyguard, private investigator, process server, etc. 
            Once one of these legal standards has been met and backup has either already arrived or is at least hopefully on the way, the process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard must then search the individual for weapons and contraband.  An arrest is a serious matter, and if the perpetrator has weapons or something else that could cause harm, they need to be taken away.  Of course, this begs the question, “How does one conduct a search?”
            Oklahoma process severs, bodyguards, private investigators and security guards should, if possible, try to have someone of the same gender try to search the individual whenever possible.  However, if no one is available, then someone of the opposite gender should conduct the search.  This means that a male may have to search a female or a female will need to do a full search of a male. 
            Conducting a full body search might lead someone to think, “Oh.  Giggle, giggle.  I have to touch his or her groin or breast area?”  Yes, of course!  A perpetrator can easily hide weapons and other dangerous contraband items in a bra, around the groin area, in the butt crack, and more.  It is nothing to laugh about; rather, it is something that all professionals should take seriously.  There are countless stories of law enforcement officials who have missed guns and other dangerous items when searching people they arrested, and that has placed everyone else – even the perpetrator – at great risk.  Besides, the suspects an Oklahoma process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard has to arrest are not the types of individuals one would want to spend time feeling those “areas” anyway.  Individuals placed under arrest are often intoxicated, smell bad, are combative, etc. 
            When conducting the search, an Oklahoma process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard should make sure to do a “rub down” and not a “pat down” of the areas.  Pat downs are seen on television too often, and they can cause professionals to miss very important items (i.e., a gun, knife, etc.).  Also, it is important that “prolonged” rub downs of the groin, bottom, and breast areas – or any area for that matter – is highly inappropriate.  The rub down to check for weapons and contraband should be done efficiently and effectively, and a process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard should never force the individual to strip off his or her clothes.
            In the event that the person doing the searching finds money, drugs, weapons, etc., they must be turned over to the police or magistrate right away.  Keeping these items is not only illegal, but it is highly unethical and will expose both the professionals and their clients to civil and criminal liability.  Besides, if the person making the arrest only turns around and keeps the items, then how much better is he or she than the person who just got placed under arrest?
            It is also important for professional Oklahoma process severs, bodyguards, private investigators, and security guards to know when and how to put the handcuffs onto an individual.  Depending on the situation, this may need to occur before or after a search of the individual.  When placing the handcuffs onto a perpetrator, there are several key factors to keep in mind which can save the life of the person making the arrest and help ensure that justice is served in a timely manner.
            All too often we see people under arrest who have their handcuffs gently placed onto their wrists, while the arms, wrists, etc., are out in front of the perpetrator.  The biggest danger this poses is that the perpetrator can slip out of the handcuffs, so they need to be on the suspect’s wrists securely but not to where they will leave unnecessary marks or cause undue pain.  This is not the only consideration, however.
            Before actually putting the handcuffs onto a perpetrator, a process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard needs to make sure that the person’s wrists are turned outward.  When done correctly, this makes it extremely difficult for a suspect to try to escape or put the handcuffs around the professional’s neck and try to strangle him or her.  Also, by applying a bit of pressure to only one wrist that is handcuffed and turned outward, the arresting individual can cause great pain and thus easily subdue someone who becomes combative during the arrest process.
            It is also vital that professionals take great care to handcuff both wrists of a suspect.  If only one wrist is handcuffed, then the perpetrator can easily use it as a vicious weapon against the person making the arrest.  Thus, in this situation handcuffs can become much more of a liability than a help.  Always consider that the person being placed under arrest is potentially dangerous and is likely to want to cause harm.
            Another important factor to consider is whether it is best to place the handcuffs on the suspect’s wrists to where both hands are either behind the perpetrator’s back or out in front of his or her body.  As a general rule of thumb, most law enforcement officials arresting suspects have them place their hands behind their backs – and for a good reason.  Simply put, a suspect with his or her hands behind his or her back with handcuffs on has a much more difficult time causing trouble.  This is why it is advisable for people making an arrest to have the perpetrator place his or her hands behind his or her back while getting handcuffed.
             Once the Oklahoma process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard has searched and arrested the suspect, they must then be turned over to a local magistrate or police officer without delay.  Hence, calling the police or having someone else do so before making the arrest, if possible, is essential.  Under Oklahoma’s laws, private citizens making a citizen’s arrest do not have to read a suspect his or her Miranda Rights.  Besides, if Oklahoma process severs, bodyguards, private investigators, and security guards said such things as, “You have the right to an attorney,” who is that person indicating is going to pay for it?  The process server?  The security guard?  The bodyguard?  The armed private investigator?  One would certainly hope not! 
            Until the suspect is in the custody of the police, magistrate, etc., he or she is the prisoner per se of the arresting Oklahoma process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard.  It is important to ensure that the perpetrator does not try to escape, attempt suicide, etc., while he or she is in your custody.  There are a few helpful things a process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard can do while waiting for law enforcement officials to arrive, which may greatly help with the legal process later on.
            While waiting for the police or magistrate to arrive, it is sometimes helpful for a process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard to try to be the “good cop” to or “buddy” of the suspect.  Sometimes getting the suspect a cup of coffee or something else to drink can help put the perpetrator at ease.  Doing so can sometimes help the suspect open up a bit more.
            Asking such questions such as, “So, why did you break into the house and steal the television?” and writing down that information can provide much useful evidence for the police and prosecutors.  Getting the person to sign underneath the perpetrator’s responses to such questions he or she has provided to a process sever, bodyguard, private investigator, or security guard is a signed confession!  Taking the nice, personable angle of “just wanting to get everything correct” can come in quite handy when law enforcement officials arrive.  It is important to remember that not all suspects will want to proffer any information and are not always so eager to talk, but it never hurts to try.
            Even if a suspect does provide information after having been placed under arrest, process severs, bodyguards, private investigators, and security guards need to make sure to write down all of the events and factual information in a small notebook, while they are fresh in their minds.  Trying to recall events later on – especially if required to take the witness stand – can be much more difficult months or even years down the road, as people can forget what happened.  Also, professionals should remember that their notebook and any information contained therein can be subpoenaed and used later on in the courtroom as evidence.
            Having said all of this, it is best to leave most arrests up to law enforcement officials.  This not only takes the potential criminal and civil liability off of the non-law enforcement professional, but it often makes the situation easier on all involved.  Besides, a company who hires a security guard may have a written policy directing their security guards not to make arrests.
            Either way, an armed or unarmed Oklahoma security officer who works for a company and makes an arrest should have a written copy of his or her post orders on hand at all times.  This way the company cannot ever come back and say, “Well, we certainly didn’t tell _______ [insert security guard’s name here] to arrest anyone.”  It is always important for security guards, private investigators, bodyguards, and even process servers to cover their own butts (CYOA!).
            Process severs, bodyguards, private investigators, and security guards can often do a plausible job when making an arrest.  By following the aforementioned guidelines and tactics, they will likely experience greater success while performing their duties.  No job is worth getting seriously injured over.  Making an arrest outside the scope of a security guard’s or bodyguard’s lawful authority or some other mistake, even if inadvertently, can cause problems for everyone.  It is extremely important to stay safe, follow the laws, and always remain professional. Please contact the experts at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers at today! 

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Oklahoma Bodyguards and Security Guards on Dangerous Duty Should Wear Body Armor and Other Protective Gear When on Duty

Oklahoma Bodyguards and Security Guards on Dangerous Duty Should Wear Body Armor and Other Protective Gear When on Duty

            Bodyguards and security guards in Oklahoma who are undertaking dangerous assignments should take great care of their safety.  Wearing special protective gear such as body armor (i.e., bulletproof vests) can afford bodyguards and security guards who are patrolling dangerous areas special protection that just might save their lives.  Of course, there are several factors Oklahoma bodyguards and armed security guards  like those at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers must first consider. 

            One of the most common concerns that many companies have about supplying bodyguards with body armor is the cost.  Body armor can indeed cost anywhere between $50 for some used equipment to $200 or more for newer material.  Given the turnover rate for Oklahoma bodyguards and security guards, many just do not see the cost/analysis benefit.  Indeed, many bodyguards and security guards are not highly paid, either, so they usually cannot afford to supply their own.

            Another common concern among those who are against body armor is the fact that they do indeed make an individual go around carrying extra weight.  This extra weight can prove to be cumbersome for the individual who is wearing it.  Later down the line, carrying too much extra weight of any kind for an extended period of time can potentially cause problems with a person’s knees.  This is a medical problem that has become all too common in the United States and elsewhere, especially for those who are already overweight.  However, this is still not the biggest reason many experts cite as the biggest reasons why bodyguards and security guards in Oklahoma should go without body armor.

            Other detractors contend that body armor cannot stop all types of bullets from all types of guns – and they are right!  Shotguns fired at close range and the infamous “cop killer” bullets, just to name a few, can indeed pierce body armor.  Body armor cannot and will not stop anything and everything from harming someone.  A perpetrator who is out to do nothing but kill someone can, if properly prepared, sometimes accomplish the misguided goal.  Nevertheless, there is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel for body armor proponents!

            When all is said and done, body armor still saves lives and reduces the amount and type of damage!  Numerous police officers, soldiers, Oklahoma bodyguards, and security officers of various levels will attest to this fact.  If body armor did not continue to afford some reasonable level of protection, then the manufacturers would have no reason to make it.  Indeed, high quality body armor can often stop other weapons such as knives and thus potentially prevent mortal stab wounds in crucial areas. 

Likewise, those that also market other such devices like police and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)-style protective face masks have also found that these can protect other areas of law enforcement officials and bodyguards, armed security guards, etc.  Of course, whether or not other types of accoutrements are needed, stylish, and/or attract too much attention is a completely different debate.

Whatever the case, bodyguards, security guards and the companies that hire them who invest in body armor are making a pretty sound investment.  While it is true that not every individual will work in a situation where he or she will need to go around in a vest, many do need that extra layer of protection.  Having a barrier between one’s body and a knife or a gun can really make a difference – not only to the individuals wearing it, but to those who love them.

Where Oklahoma Security Officers, Private Investigators and Bodyguards Study is Very Important When Seeking Jobs in the Workforce

Where Oklahoma Security Officers, Private Investigators and Bodyguards Study is Very Important When Seeking Jobs in the Workforce

            Where bodyguards, security officers, and private investigators study is extremely important.  All too often students enrolling in these programs think that just because the Council on Law Enforcement Education (CLEET) has set the curriculum standards for all of the schools that teach these training programs, they are all alike.  However, the quality of instructors, other personnel and the overall training in these programs can vary widely.  Oklahoma employers will often take a careful look at which schools their potential employees hail from.  Students who attended low quality schools may find themselves locked out of employment opportunities that they might otherwise find open.

            Consider two famous schools: Harvard University and the University of Phoenix.  If an employer had the chance to hire someone whose qualifications, mannerisms, experience, etc., were otherwise equal in all other regards, which school do would most employers probably prefer to hire their next employee from – a Harvard University graduate or a University of Phoenix graduate?  The programs at both schools are simply not the same, and the quality of their graduates is also often reflective of their selection process, admission procedures, teaching faculty, etc.

            Another good example of this includes schools that are rude to businesses that might otherwise hire their graduates.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers found several of the personnel at Francis Tuttle Technology Center were very rude over the phone, while those at Metro Technology Center, which is located near the Oklahoma City Zoo, were the exact opposite.  Schools that burn bridges with the business community only cause harm to themselves and those who pay money to attend their schools. 

Not only did this company find the quality of the instructors offered at Francis Tuttle Technology Center lacking in quality, but this school had also gone around burning bridges as well.  On the other hand, Metro Tech had not done so, and thus it not only strengthened its reputation throughout the community as a school of choice for some employers, but its private investigation and security guard classes and teachers have likewise gained greater regard within their respective areas of specialization as well. 

It is true that neither the cost of one’s education nor a school’s reputation can guarantee the overall success of Oklahoma security guards, bodyguards and private investigators.  However, students would be well advised to take a careful look at the schools they plan on attending for their training before making any kind of monetary and time investments.  Their future and chances of success in the job market could very well depend upon choosing the right school.

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers Formally Endorses Looper Law Enforcement in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers Formally Endorses Looper Law Enforcement in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers at is pleased to endorse Looper Law Enforcement at  This company does outstanding work and really takes pride in its craftsmanship.  Looper Law Enforcement has a long history of high quality work and very satisfied customers, and Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers wishes to recognize them for this!

Given its dedication to the process server, notary public, bodyguard, private investigator, and security guard industries, Looper Law Enforcement also recently provided Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers with some excellent free gear.  These high quality belts, holsters, handcuff cases, magazine clip holders, and more will really help the professional at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers protect others!

It should be known to all concerned that these fantastic items may be purchased from Looper Law Enforcement at or at H&H Gun Range in Oklahoma City.  H&H Gun Range exclusively carries leather goods that only come from Looper Law Enforcement, which one can buy at  Thanks again to Bart and Lisa Looper of Looper Law Enforcement for all of their support and partnership with the process servers, private investigators, bodyguards, security officers, and notary public officials at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers.  We sure appreciate you!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Oklahoma Process Servers Need to Make Sure to Follow the Laws When Serving Papers

Oklahoma Process Servers Need to Make Sure to Follow the Laws When Serving Papers

            Since Oklahoma has very few requirements and no training or education required to become a process server, there are some important Oklahoma laws process servers should know about.  These laws not only help ensure that the legal process is administered through a fairer process, but it doing so will also help keep professional process servers who work in Oklahoma out of trouble.  A few of many process server laws are explained herein . . .

            When posting documents to doors of people who are being evicted from an apartment or house, process servers need to take additional actions.  Ideally, serving an individual in this case via personal or substituted service is best.  However, if this is not possible then posting the papers to the door is generally considered good service, though with one very important caveat.  After posting the papers to the door, the Oklahoma process server must then send the same documents via certified mail to the same address.  Indeed, the process server should file the original receipts showing that the documents were sent with via certified mailing, making sure to also keep a copy for his or her clients.  If this is not done, a judge is likely to throw out the service as insufficient, and the client(s) that hired the process server could suffer.

            Another important law that process servers need to follow is to make sure that if they say they have actually served someone that they really have.  Under Oklahoma law, if a process server claims to have served a person but has not really done so, then he or she is guilty of a felony.  Thus, process servers should take great care to actually serve the people they say they have, and sometimes taking a photo of it happening or having a video camera running can help keep a process server in the clear later down the road.

            Process servers should also be aware that just because a person does not want to accept papers or throws them down on the ground, this does not mean that they have not been served.  The state of Oklahoma does not require people who are being served to have to sign for documents that process server delivers.  If Oklahoma did require this, most people would never get served!

            Another common sense law that process servers should follow is to make sure that they always carry their licenses on them when out on official duty.  As officers of the court, they have to identify themselves and present their licenses to those they serve, security officials, the police, etc., if so asked.  Having the license laminated helps preserve it, but Oklahoma process servers should take care not to actually give their licenses to anyone other than law enforcement officials to actually hold, as the people holding them might get angry and try to destroy them.

            These are just a few of many different kinds of laws that professional process servers need to follow.  There are so many that a large number of those in the field just do not know about.  Knowledge is indeed power, so it is important that the job is done right!  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask the experts at

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers Set to Work With B&R Global Investigations

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers Set to Work With B&R Global Investigations

            This is to formally announce that Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers will team up with B&R Global Security & Investigations.  While there will not be a formal merger or anything, Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers and B&R Global Security & Investigations will begin to subcontract work with one another very soon.  Both companies bring a vast wealth of experience and knowledge in a variety of fields, and they are very well run companies.  Both companies offer a wide variety of services, which include process servers, private security, mobile notaries, armed private investigations, bodyguards, and more.  By working together on various projects, services for all clients will undoubtedly only get better! 

How to Properly Protect Your Client as an Oklahoma Bodyguard

How to Properly Protect Your Client as an Oklahoma Bodyguard

            When someone hires a bodyguard  like those at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers to provide them personal protection, it is vital that they understand that they will receive the best protection possible.  Individuals seeking the assistance of a personal bodyguard need to understand several things before they hire someone.  Likewise, the bodyguard should thoroughly seek to find out all of the circumstances before protecting a client, so he or she can do the best possible job.  This way both the client and the Oklahoma bodyguard can find the most success and safety.

            One of the things that clients should look for in an effective bodyguard is the type of personal protection training he or she has.  Prior military experience, depending on the type and job classification the bodyguard had while serving in the armed forces, can sometimes prove to be very valuable.  Military personnel often have previous experience using different types of weapons and may have mastered advanced personal defense tactics.  Military service is not the only type of helpful experience though!

            Other bodyguards have served in law enforcement (i.e., police officers, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), etc.), and they, too, might know advanced weapon training skills and other special defense techniques.  However, the length of time and the capacity in which they served are both vital.  A desk sergeant might not have maintained the same level of skill and training as an officer who has been out in the field, so this is an area that a client needs to explore.

            Previous experience in the military, the police force, FBI, etc., are not necessarily essential.  Some of the best bodyguards have taken specialized courses which have given them a wide variety of experience.  Classes in judo, karate, and other martial arts can prove to be very useful when protecting someone.  Other training courses are specifically designed, and sometimes required by a state’s laws, to certify someone as a bodyguard.  These can also help an Oklahoma bodyguard become familiar with the laws and can teach them how to provide the best possible protection.

            Other bodyguards have taken it upon themselves to undergo extensive firearms training.  Some bodyguards in Oklahoma have practiced firing weapons extensively on their own, and they are already well-trained in how to use them.  A person seeking to hire a bodyguard would be well advised to inquire as to what courses they have taken, as well as if they are certified – and by whom. 

Oklahoma bodyguards generally require some time of CLEET training, and they should be licensed to carry firearms.  Many of those who are certified as armed security are also licensed as armed private investigators.  In addition, other individuals carry a license to carry firearms under the Self Defense Act.  Each license comes with different advantages, and bodyguards should be able to present their certifications to their clients and, if needed, to law enforcement personnel.

When one is considering what type of bodyguard to hire, an ability to use guns and fight in hand-to-hand combat are not the only things a person should look for.  Sometimes the best types of protection come from having the ability to prevent attacks and know when security risks abound.  The old adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of medicine is quite true!

In serious cases, special surveillance devices and training can prove especially helpful in helping a bodyguard determine when someone is following an individual, trying to break into a home, has tapped a phone, etc.  Bodyguards who have served as armed private investigators have a special advantage in this area, as they often already have this special equipment and experience.  Preventing a possible attack or other threat is so much easier – and safer – than having to fend it off!

            Knowing all of this, size does not always matter when hiring a bodyguard.  Just because someone is bigger does not mean he or she can necessarily do a better job than an Oklahoma bodyguard whose physical build is smaller.  Indeed, while hiring a bodyguard who is 6’10” and who weighs 280 pounds might intimidate others and thus stave off people from wanting to cause harm in the first place.  This kind of bodyguard might have an advantage over one who is smaller in stature, but this is not always the case.

            Bodyguards who are smaller in physical size can also prove to have exceptional advantages.  It is fairly easy to “size up” a bodyguard who is really tall and muscular.  However, a smaller bodyguard is often underestimated by a would-be attacker.  If he or she has the right training, special moves can be used that can immobilize even the biggest of thugs.  An attacker who underestimates the training and skills of a smaller opponent can put himself or herself at a serious disadvantage.  Besides, if all else fails, a nice shot of pepper spray, the use of a stun gun, or another weapon of choice can often do the job.

            Having said all of this, whenever possible the focus of a bodyguard’s work should focus on prevention.  The use of force, especially deadly force, should always be a last resort.  It is important to only use the force necessary to protect yourself and then retreat and get law enforcement officials involved whenever possible.  An Oklahoma bodyguard has the right to expect his or her bodyguard to protect him to the best of his or her ability.  However, causing physical harm, especially serious harm, should only take place if nothing else can be done to keep the client and the bodyguard safe.

            Having more than one bodyguard and someone to act as a “second set of eyes” can also be very helpful.  Clients and bodyguards should talk together and carefully consider how many bodyguards they need to provide adequate protection.  The severity of the risk factors might call for a greater the need for a team of bodyguards rather than just one person.  One bodyguard can provide protection, but he or she might not be able to fend off five or ten people who are brandishing guns and knives.

            One of the most important parts of protecting a client is for the bodyguards to have all possible needed information.  The more a bodyguard knows about the situation and possible threats, the better the job he or she can do setting up the proper security measures beforehand and while on the job.  For example, if the known threat is a white male stalker who is about fourty years old and who has a history of violence using handguns, it is important to know that.  If the potential perpetrator is known to be technologically savvy, the client should tell the bodyguard this, too, as the types of threats may come from different sources (i.e., explosives, computer hacking, sniper fire, etc.).

            Many bodyguards have some type of insurance that can cover both them and their clients, in the event someone gets hurt.  However, this type of insurance can prove to be very costly, so those who work as bodyguards may not have it.  It is important for clients to ask a protector up front whether or not they carry any liability insurance. 

            Clients should also clearly understand that while bodyguards can provide additional protection, they are not invincible and cannot do everything.  Bodyguards can also get hurt and may not always be able to completely protect an individual or group of people.  They are only human, and in this sometimes dangerous field there are no guarantees.