Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Oklahoma Private Investigators Need Mentors and Internships

New Oklahoma Private Investigators Need Mentors and Internships

Many professionals enter their fields for the first time without much real practical experience.  Whether these individuals have attended a university and are becoming medical doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc., everyone usually starts with only a minimum amount of work experience.  The same thing also holds true for private investigators, process servers, notary public officials, and others in the legal field.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers knows all too well how this fact underscores the importance for new private investigators to have internships and mentors who will help them along in the field.

Unless a private investigator has previously served in a special investigative law enforcement capacity within the military and/or civilian world, he or she is likely ill prepared for the rigors that come with serving as an Oklahoma private investigator.  Indeed, Oklahoma City private investigators who go to a vocational school to train often find that they are prepared for the rather easy test the basic Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET) requires.  Unfortunately, these vocational schools seldom offer hands-on training that is beneficial for when Oklahoma private investigators actually go out into the field in Edmond, Moore, Oklahoma City, Yukon, Norman, Midwest City, Tulsa, Lawton, Piedmont, Guthrie, Del City, Bethany, and elsewhere.

Oklahoma’s career technology-oriented schools need to offer real life experiences for students enrolled in private investigators training programs.  Instructors need to show new Oklahoma private investigators how to actually conduct surveillance, set up and use the private security cameras, how to properly testify in a courtroom as a witness, and how to start and run a private investigator business.  While the list of training necessities could indeed prove to be quite extensive, the instructional programs these schools provide often prove to be grossly inadequate for those trying to enter the field and start a new career.

Much like with newly certified teachers, private investigators could also benefit from having some sort of mentor.  Vocational or career-oriented schools that offer private investigator training programs could take the lead in connecting new private investigators with more experienced professionals in the field.  Having someone to whom the new private investigator can ask for advice and help from could prove to be very beneficial.  The field of private investigation is a very serious one.  The consequences of a private investigator who does not conduct surveillance or perform other related services properly can be very detrimental to clients and society as a whole.

Oklahoma needs to develop new programs which will adequately train and provide continuing support to new private investigators.  Society would not generally tolerate poorly trained teachers in its classrooms any more than it would allow a beginning brain surgeon to operate without assistance.  The same holds true for licensed private investigators.  By requiring advanced training and ongoing support for new Oklahoma private investigators, Oklahoma will see increased professionalism, better Oklahoma City private investigators, fewer mistakes, and a more satisfied clientele.    

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Oklahoma Private Investigator Essentials for Conducting Surveillance

Oklahoma Private Investigator Essentials for Conducting Surveillance

Whenever an Oklahoma private investigator is going to conduct surveillance for a client, there are several things he or she should do to maximize success.  The professionals at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers suggest that these include items that private investigators should  do before, during, and after conducting surveillance.  By following these best practices, private investigators will help their clients get the biggest bang for their buck and the most success with their cases.  Meanwhile, Oklahoma City private investigators will also profit through customer referrals and continued business with the clients they already have.  The following is a short, non-exhaustive list of things every Oklahoma private investigator should follow:

Properly Assessing Clients’ Needs:

Private investigators need to begin by properly assessing what the real needs of their clients are.  By having a checklist and/or via a thorough conversation, the private investigator and the client can work together to determine the best course of action, can troubleshoot, select the best methods, analyze budgets, etc. 

This assessment also includes the responsibility that private investigators have to not unnecessarily spend clients’ money, if they are visibly suffering from a mental illness.  While most private investigators are not dually licensed as therapists, sometimes such indicators of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, etc., can sometimes become blatantly apparent.  Good judgment and common sense are key elements.  

Determining the Appropriate Number of Private Investigators for the Job:

It is also necessary to determine the right number of private investigators for the job.  How many Oklahoma private detectives are really needed to complete the surveillance successfully?  What will best work within the client’s budget?  These are all questions that an Oklahoma private investigator and his or her client should discuss together in advance.

Signing a Contract That Clearly Outlines Everything:

Signing written contracts can often help eliminate confusion, can limit liability for the private investigator, and can generally assist everyone in staying on the same page from the beginning.  Verbal agreements/contracts are often very difficult to prove, and they can lead to unnecessary conflicts, unrealistic expectations, and confusion.

Obtaining a Retainer in Advance: 

In most circumstances, clients should pay their private investigator in advance.  This helps keep clients from trying to cheat a private investigator.  If, for example, an Oklahoma private investigator spends fifteen hours conducting surveillance on a house where a person lives and no one ever comes back home, the client may not want to pay.  This can potentially lead to a rather large and unnecessary legal conflict.  Private investigators will want to make sure that all personal or business checks clear prior to starting services.  

Preparing, Bringing and Maintaining the Proper Equipment:

Oklahoma City private investigators should always bring what they are going to need for the case.  The following constitute a few of the many important items that private investigators generally need:

ü  An abundance of surveillance tapes
ü  Various recording devices
ü  Charged batteries for the recording devices
ü  At least one cell phone
ü  Cell phone charger
ü  Flashlight with strong batteries
ü  Notepad and Pencil/Pen
ü  Food, drinks, and something to urinate/defecate in
ü  Tinted car windows
ü  Pillow, warm/cool clothing, blankets, etc.
ü  Phone numbers for local law enforcement agencies
ü  Address, identifying information, photos, etc., of the area and people being watched
ü  Car that does not readily stand out from the surrounding vehicles
ü  Gun or other protective equipment for which the private investigator is licensed

This is not an all-inclusive list.  The needs for each surveillance case may vary greatly, and they should be brought on a case-by-case basis.  It always helps to have something on hand and not need it than to need it and not have it!

Alerting the Police and Other Oklahoma Staff About Your Presence:

Private investigators who call the police in advance to let them know about their presence can benefit in many ways.  Once the police already know the general location of the private investigators, their physical description, a description of their car, how they can be reached by phone, etc., they often feel better about the situation.  This can potentially benefit both the Norman, Oklahoma private investigator and the police. 

If someone calls about a “suspicious car” or an “unusual person” outside of a home or business, then the police may or may not come out to investigate the matter.  However, sometimes the police, if they know about the private investigator in advance, may simply drive by the car without stopping, getting out of their car with the lights flashing, etc.  This can really help to save a private detective’s cover!  However, it is important to remember that privacy laws which protect the client still apply when interacting with the law enforcement personnel.

Also, it is always important for those conducting private investigations to let at least one other staff member know where they are at any given time.  This way if something bad happens and things go south, someone else can at least know the private investigator’s general whereabouts.  Private investigators should also check in with someone else from time to time.

Selecting a Decent Observation Point:

Private investigators should always try to choose an observation point whereby they will attract the least attention to themselves.  Of course, they can only assume a position/location they have the right to be on (i.e., a public street), and they may have to move or change places from time to time.

Keeping Free of Distractions:

While conducting surveillance, it is imperative that private detectives keep themselves free from distractions.  Playing with cell phones, sleeping, or other unnecessary items are disruptive to the process.  It can take mere seconds for something to happen, and it is vital that these precious moments are not lost to an “LOL”.

Taking Integrity Shots/Footage or Collecting Continuous Video Footage:

Often surveillance can take many hours to complete.  Clients and judges often want to know that their Oklahoma City private detectives were there the entire time.  If clients do not want and/or need their private detective to run continuous video footage the entire time, then integrity shots become important.  One can obtain these by simply turning on the video camera, stating the date, time, location, what is happening, etc.  The private investigator should also have the camera’s setting to where it should automatically note the date and time on the video, too.  Integrity shots are quite helpful for a variety of reasons.

Many clients who do not want continuous footage run on a place want to know that their private investigators did not go home.  By taking integrity shots, a private investigator can show that he or she was indeed there at the location at the intervals noted on the camera.  This way the client cannot come back and demand money for surveillance the private investigator supposedly did not conduct.

Judges also like to see integrity shots for similar reasons.  They, too, want to know that the private investigator did not just pack up and go home.  That way someone under surveillance who arrives home at 10:00 p.m. and stayed there all night, would have greater difficulty in court claiming she had left at midnight.  This would be particularly true if the woman had parked her car or truck outside in the driveway the entire time.  The judge could easily ask, “Why then, do we have video footage of your car being parked there all night?”  Once again, integrity shots can help for many reasons!

Use Night Vision Camera When Appropriate:

If it is even remotely possible that surveillance could occur when it is dark, then special video cameras can certainly help!  Cameras with infrared detectors can help determine if people arrive home at night.  While they cannot provide clear visual images of the faces of those entering and exiting an area, they can at least help show that people arrived, left, etc.  Once again, these can become helpful to clients who are seeking to know the truth.  

Effectively and Timely Communicating Information With Clients:

Private detectives should take the time to communicate with their clients on a regular basis.  The amount of communication may vary from client to client.  Some people may want continual updates whenever possible, while others just want to know the final result.  Oklahoma private detectives who communicate information and evidence discovered during their surveillance with their clients, can also help collaboratively determine the best course of action for the rest of the assignment.  Oklahoma private investigators should always discuss the amount and type of information disseminated and to whom, before beginning surveillance.

Writing Effective Reports & Delivering Evidence:

Oklahoma City private investigators should take care to ensure that the reports they write for their clients are clear, concise, truthful, and to the point.  Those working for private detective agencies should take great care to only state the facts and to eliminate opinions and commentaries from their reports.  These are legal documents that could very well end up in a courtroom as evidence, so they need to be as accurate and professional as possible.  Also, private investigators should take care to turn over any other evidence that belongs to the client (i.e., video footage), too.

Testifying in Court, if Asked:

Oklahoma private detectives who have served in the field long enough will likely attest to the fact that courtroom testimony sometimes becomes very necessary.  Sometimes an attorney will need more than a written report, and testifying is often considered a billable part of the written contractual agreement.  This is sometimes just a routine part of surveillance and is something a private investigator needs to prepare for.

These are just a few of the many things that those operating an Oklahoma private detective agency should consider.  Sometimes items on the aforementioned list may not apply.  In other circumstances, one might need to add extra items not mentioned above.  However, by following this general list of necessities, Oklahoma private investigators and their clients will generally enjoy much more success!   

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Why Oklahoma City Process Servers Need to Dress for the Occasion

Why Oklahoma City Process Servers Need to Dress for the Occasion 
            Sometimes we at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers hear about how process servers who work with other companies or individually do not dress professionally.  While we obviously have absolutely no control over what those who work for other companies do or do not do, the field of process serving in Oklahoma is certainly a professional field.  However, what is “professional” in one situation may not be appropriate for another.  This is why it is more important for process servers in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Norman, or elsewhere to dress according to each situation.
            If an Oklahoma process server is going to serve someone in an elite suburban community or at an upscale business office, then how should he or she dress?  Well, obviously in this situation, process servers can usually expect a less favorable reaction for his or her comeliness if dressed in sagging jeans, a baseball cap that is turned backwards, and a shirttail that is hanging out.  In this instance, Oklahoma process servers should usually wear a nice dress shirt, pressed slacks, polished shoes, and have their hair washed and neatly combed.  The same rule applies in other locations, just with different clothing styles.
            This time let us assume a process server has entered a very low socioeconomic income area.  Gangs might abound, and people around the neighbourhood might not necessarily be dressed up in suits and nice slacks.  Instead, perhaps they are wearing tennis shoes, jeans, and T-shirts.  Why should they not?  With few exceptions, there is certainly no law stating what people can and cannot wear.  However, process servers who fail to match this same type of clothing attire will likely yield less than favourable results.
Oklahoma process server who goes to such places wearing a nice shirt, tie, dress pants, and polished shoes might be viewed by others there as “suspicious” and out of place.  Who are they and what do they want?  Surely they cannot be from around the neighbourhood, right?  Are they cops?  Are they selling something?  This could indeed present a problem.
Likewise, as noted earlier, process servers who go to upscale areas will often find themselves in the same position if they do not dress in nice shirts, dress slacks, etc.  People in those Oklahoma communities will likely see this person as a trespasser, someone looking to use the bathroom, an individual who is homeless, a potential thug, etc.  While this may be quite far from the truth, this, too, could present problems for Oklahoma City process servers. 
Both scenarios essentially rely upon the same logic: the need for process servers to make meaningful connections with the people around them.  Those that Oklahoma process servers go around need to be able to effectively identify with them as being “one of us”.  If they do not, then getting questions answered, finding the right person, and not getting treated as nicely can potentially become major issues.  Of course, this does not just extend to a process server’s manner of dress; it entails other factors as well.
Excellent process serving companies also realise the need to hire a diverse workforce.  Having process servers of different ages, races, nationalities, those who can speak more than one language, etc., will sometimes enhance their ability to better connect with other people around them – if they have similar attributes.  The old adages “like attracts like” and “birds of a feather flock together” are quite true indeed!
It is important to note that there are no guarantees that dressing in a certain way or having a process server who is of a particular race, age, etc., will be able to have any enhanced success over those who fail to employ these techniques.  Likewise, it is equally important not to make overgeneralisations about those those who live in upper class neighbourhoods and business districts or in lower socioeconomic areas.  People can act in all different ways, and outstanding, professional process servers should always stand ready to ensure that they act accordingly and remain ready to adapt.  However, as a general rule of thumb, the more professional Oklahoma process servers fit in to their surroundings and those within them, the more likely they chance they will have increased success when serving court papers.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The Pitfalls of Process Server Companies That Hire Independent Contractors in Different States

The Pitfalls of Oklahoma Process Server Companies That Hire Independent Contractors in Different States
In today’s society, it seems as though outsourcing is everywhere.  From credit card companies that send customer service jobs overseas to firms like Nike and Apple that exploit laborers in factories overseas, independent contractors and outsourcing are everywhere.  Not only do the companies that overseas labor “enjoy” increased tax breaks, but they also limit their legal liability if something goes wrong (i.e., if a poor child gets his or her hand cut off while working).  In addition, these companies can often pay these individuals less, too, which is a definite added “bonus” for chief executive officers seeking to maximize their company’s profit margin.  While all of these benefits are aimed at helping the wealthy, they also have their downsides for both clients and the workers, and the same holds true for process serving companies.  The experts at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers would like to elucidate . . .

Process servers who outsource their work to others in different states throughout the United States of America can potentially experience a multitude of headaches.  Professional process servers need to thoroughly investigate the individuals they hire.  How reliable are the Texas process servers?  Will a process server that gets hired to do a job in Florida, California, New Mexico, Kansas, or elsewhere perform the job effectively?  What are the customary fees associated with those areas, and which laws apply?  Will someone hired as an independent contractor know what is fair and reasonable and how to follow the laws?  These are just a few of many reasonable questions that Oklahoma process servers seeking to outsource their out-of-state work might experience.

It is true that an Oklahoma process server who owns and effectively runs a company can take care to avoid many pitfalls.  The process server can perform background checks, requesting references, etc.  In addition, performing a quick Google search can often help determine whether or not a particular process serving company has found itself plagued with a multitude of complaints.  The Better Business Bureau is yet another resource to use when hiring, though most process serving companies do not list themselves with it.

Relative to finding out what fees are usual and customary for process servers in different states, sometimes making phone calls around to a large number of process servers can provide some meaningful insights.  Many process servers charge about what a sheriff’s deputy would otherwise get, while other Kansas process servers may charge more or less.  Indeed, those who do not own companies at all and just do process serving on a part time basis might require the least amount of money.  Oklahoma City process servers who conduct a thorough check, if time permits, of reasonable rates throughout the area are likely to find those who will do the job for the least amount of money.

One of the biggest headaches of hiring process servers who reside in other states is that an Edmond, Oklahoma process server cannot really control the quality of work.  If a process server in Moore, Oklahoma suddenly drops the ball and disappears from a job, then it is usually not too difficult for the Oklahoma process server who hired him or her to just go and do the job himself or herself.  However, if that process server lives in another state and the process serving company that hired the process server has no corporate address there, then fixing a problem (i.e., failure to do the job) can and usually will become much more difficult.

Another bad aspect of hiring other process servers in different states is having to deal with a plethora of egos, outrageous fees, etc.  Some process servers will even try to steal clients, and professional process servers will usually not consent to signing contracts which prohibit client stealing.  Even if they do, it is not always so easy to track whether the process servers in other states are stealing your clients.  That being said, those that do get caught often do not have any assets to sue for anyway. 

Sometimes hiring process servers who know their states’ local laws, are reliable, professional, affordable, etc., is just too difficult a task.  Indeed, hiring bad process servers in other states can actually end up costing otherwise reputable companies a great deal of business from attorneys and others who also use that same process serving company for work in their local area.  Each Oklahoma process server should carefully weigh whether or not the cost-benefit analysis  of hiring contract labor elsewhere is really worth it.  Of course, professional process serving companies are not the only ones who stand to win – or lose – with outsourcing.

Though it can take time, performing background checks, taking time to call references, and only working with process servers in Oklahoma who will sign a legal contract can help pay off in the long run.  Any process server in Oklahoma or elsewhere who refuses to do so is not someone that a firm should hire anyway.  Those who are dedicated and who have nothing to hide will not have any reason to worry.

Sometimes attorneys and others will claim that finding and keeping a very trustworthy, reliable, affordable, personable process server is an extremely difficult task.  Whether in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Kansas, Florida, or elsewhere, this is often true.  This is why those that attorneys and process servers seeking to contract out the work to others tend to prefer to hire the same process servers that do excellent work over seeking a new one for each job.

On the other side of the coin, numerous process servers can explain in detail how various professional process serving companies have cheated them out of money, have been very slow to pay, etc.  Indeed, in an effort to maximize profits, many professional Oklahoma process servers seek to pay others they hire only a mere fraction of what the client is actually paying.  The good and the bad can flow both ways, so it is important to ensure that all process servers also thoroughly investigate the companies that hire them beforehand, too!    

An Oklahoma process server who is trying to run an outstanding business should take special care to carefully weigh all of the pros and cons of hiring contract labor.  Process servers looking for work from large companies should do the same.  Some process servers run companies that help their customers throughout the entire nation, and they can indeed enjoy a great deal of success – if they take the needed precautions beforehand.  Others process servers in Oklahoma find that it is just not worth their time or effort, and therefore they do not even bother with hiring independent contractors.  Ultimately, each Oklahoma City process server company and the process servers who consider working for them must carefully determine the best course of action for his or her own professional company and those they work with.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Oklahoma Private Investigators Need to Know Their Clients’ True Intentions Before Investigating

Oklahoma Private Investigators Need to Know Their Clients’ True Intentions Before Investigating

            Many times private investigators in Oklahoma and elsewhere have clients approach them asking for help with one matter or another.  Whether they need a private detective’s assistance with a criminal case, determining whether or not a spouse is cheating, help with locating a missing child, or any number of other matters, clients often tell the truth and are willing to pay for some answers.  Sometimes, however, clients conceal the truth and have ulterior motives that they take great care to conceal from an Oklahoma private investigation firm.  It is important that Oklahoma private investigators take careful steps to help ensure that they perform due diligence in establishing a client’s true intentions, prior to agreeing to accept a case.

            If a client comes in and claims that he has a court order that prohibits his wife from having men over there after certain hours at night (i.e., 10:00 pm), this could very well be true.  Obviously, if the client suspects that men are coming over and are staying the night, then he might indeed have reasonable suspicion to take action to have something to show to the judge.  In this case, an Oklahoma private investigator could certainly conduct surveillance and try to get video footage, photographs, etc.  Of course, how can private investigators know if this is the real reason for the surveillance?

            It is also totally possible that the client is an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who is jealous and just wants to keep tabs on the people his ex-spouse is dating.  Indeed, the client could have any number of motives.  This is why private detectives in Oklahoma and elsewhere, even if they are deception experts, should ask questions and try to gather as much information as possible before accepting cases.

            One such way to find out if the client is telling the truth or not in this matter, is for private investigators to simply ask to see the court order.  If the client is telling the truth and has access to the court order, then there should be no reason he or she would not willingly provide it.  If the person refuses to show it or otherwise cannot, this should raise a red flag.  At the very least, the case number and the accompanying documents should be on file with the appropriate court clerk and should generally be available for the private investigator to view.

            By gaining access to the court order, this can help provide the Oklahoma private detective with invaluable information.  Armed with this, a private investigation agency like Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers  can determine what all is prohibited and allowed.  The information contained in that document should make it easier for private investigators to see with their own eyes what all they specifically should and should not try to do.  But private investigators are not the only ones who have ways of at getting at the truth.

Deception experts have their own methods and techniques for finding out who is lying and when.  While most private investigators are not deception experts, those who are have an extra advantage.  By gauging emotions, asking certain questions, and so much more, a dual deception expert/private investigator in Oklahoma can often get to the truth with a fair amount of ease.  Indeed, there are many ways that private investigators in general can get to the truth of various matters. 

It is important that Oklahoma private investigators do not unnecessarily or unfairly badger their clients or otherwise run them off.  The majority of clients usually tell the truth to those working at Oklahoma private investigation firms.  By adequately performing due diligence, an exceptional Oklahoma private investigator can help the client spend only the money he or she needs to, while simultaneously fulfilling his or her duty to protect the public from unnecessary harm.   

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How an Oklahoma Notary Public Can Change a Life

How an Oklahoma Notary Public Can Change a Life

            One might think that a notary public merely puts his or her stamp on a piece of paper.  But mobile notaries do so much more than just that: they change lives.  Yes, they, too, leave their stamp on society just like teachers, police officers, and other officials.  Oklahoma notaries, such as the professionals at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers, who have been in the profession for any length of time know this all too well. 

Oftentimes people can inadvertently put off very important matters until the last minute.  Sometimes they call upon a notary, because a loved one is dying quickly and the person has not made a will.  Whether it is in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Norman, Yukon, Mustang, Tulsa, Stillwater, or elsewhere in Oklahoma, death eventually comes to everyone.  Clients who call to get assistance so that the post-death time of mourning can be easier and more settled, benefit greatly from the emergency signing services a notary public in Oklahoma can help provide. 

At other times a car deal needs to take place, but the buyer plans to leave the very next day for another state.  In this situation, an Oklahoma City notary public can help seal the deal and get the car title transferred to the new owner.  Otherwise, the buyer may change his or her mind and get something else.  Time can sometimes give people the opportunity to change their minds, and this can be bad for someone trying to sell something!  Once again, an Oklahoma notary public can save the day – or night!

Sometimes people call because there is a beauty pageant the next day.  Unfortunately, no one noticed that a notary public had to notarize the parental permission form for the audition.  Now it is midnight, and there is no one available to do it.  Without assistance, participation in this important competition will be almost impossible for the young beauty queen.  Never fear!  Day or night, an Edmond, Oklahoma notary public can help ensure that the show still goes on.

Those who consider utilizing the services of a notary public should remember to thank him or her.  A skilled notary with errors and omissions (E&O) insurance is not always readily available.  Those notaries that that are willing to travel or help clients late at night are sometimes in short supply.  The Oklahoma notaries at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers stand ready to help others day and night.  Indeed, notaries everywhere who travel far and wide or work at all hours of the night have truly changed many lives – even if they themselves do not realize it.

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Changing Future of Oklahoma Process Servers’ Job Security in Ten Years and the Need for Occupational Diversification

The Changing Future of Oklahoma Process Servers’ Job Security in Ten Years and the Need for Occupational Diversification

            It goes without saying that technology has changed our world in numerous ways.  An increasing number of students of all ages are studying online.  More consumers at the checkout counters can go through the process without too much assistance.  In fact, greater numbers of people are now even shopping from their homes and offices instead of in large stores like Wal-Mart and Target.  These are only a few of a plethora of examples of how technology is rapidly changing the lives and with it the careers of many professionals worldwide.  This also holds true for those who work as process servers in Oklahoma and elsewhere.

            An Oklahoma City process server, within the next ten years, may find himself or herself without a job.  That is right: with changes in technology, process servers may find that they no longer have a job.  Many process servers in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Yukon, Moore, Norman, Tulsa, Mustang, Piedmont, Lawton, and elsewhere have heard about how humans will eventually get served when they make a bank withdrawal, etc.  Of course, this should come as no surprise to Oklahoma process servers.

            With the increasing use of technology and the complete lack of privacy our world is embracing, everyone will soon know who did what, when, where, what they plan to do in the future, and where they are at any given moment.  This will not even require someone to live in a small, gossip-filled town, either.  It will and indeed already is taking place on a much larger global scale. 

Many E-mail programs such as Gmail and Yahoo!, as well as major social media sites such as Facebook, require the linking of a phone number with each account.  With an increasing number of people using cell phones with GPS tracking capabilities, tracking each person’s whereabouts is getting easier to do.  Many search engines and E-mail service providers are keeping records of all information each person has searched for and when, as well as comprehensive logs of E-mail communications and online conversations.  This, of course, is a process server’s worst nightmare – well, sort of.

            In the short run, all of this technology bodes well for process servers and Oklahoma City private investigators who use skip tracing to locate people – especially those who go from one county, state, or country to another.  There is a plethora of information out there just waiting for Norman, Oklahoma process servers and Oklahoma private investigators to utilize!  However, with the good also comes the bad, and the same kinds of technology that are helpful to process servers right and private detective agencies now will likely evolve and make the long term prospects for a process server much bleaker. 

Unfortunately, process servers in Oklahoma County, Canadian County, Payne County, Tulsa county, Cleveland County and others will not be the only professions that will suffer.  Other professional fields simultaneously held by process servers in Oklahoma, such as those who serve as mobile notaries, document retrieval specialists, etc., are already slowly beginning to disappear as more goods and services become available online.  This is why Yukon, Oklahoma process servers need to diversify the types of services they offer to meet the needs of their clientele.

Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers offers a very wide array of services.  This includes process serving, notary public services, bail bonds, private investigations, document retrieval, bodyguards, polygraph examiners, expert witness testimony, visa services, deception experts,  document translation, private security, and lie detection.  By offering a diverse number and type of services, Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers has added a cushion to its company’s overall profile.  As some services (i.e., notary public) eventually become obsolete, there are other services which the company can still perform.  Of course, this alone is not enough. 

In addition, all process servers and private investigation companies need to continue to expand into new fields, as they become available.  Over time, the demand for various fields (i.e., cyber security) will arise.  With these fields come the need for different education, training, marketing strategies, equipment, etc.  Process servers and Oklahoma City private investigators who embrace these newer areas first and form the best companies to service these needs will thrive well. 

It is important to remember that much of what many people have seen on Star Wars: The Phantom Menace but have written off (i.e., cloning, laser guns, battle droids, etc.), is becoming more of a reality each and every day.  Cloning has already begun, smaller “smart drones” are used more to search out potential battle areas, etc.  While all of these things are unlikely to happen tomorrow, they will come into play much more often as time passes.   

Fortunately for those already in the fields of process serving, document retrieval, notary public services,  polygraph examiners, etc., the end of these professions as we know them is not coming tomorrow.  Indeed, some areas like private investigation, while they may change in style and technique/method, will likely be around for some time to come.  However, for Oklahoma process servers, mobile notaries, and document retrieval specialists who do not plan to retire soon, anticipating which fields will change and how best to adapt to this changing technology will become increasingly vital.  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Oklahoma County Sheriffs’ Deputies Versus Private Process Servers: Which Group Serves Legal Papers Better?

Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Deputies Versus Private Process Servers: Which Group Serves Legal Papers Better?

            When it comes to serving legal papers in Oklahoma, many people ask whether it is better to use the sheriff’s deputies or private process servers, such as the experts at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers  Both groups have their pros and cons, and they can each do a meritorious job.  However, an excellent Oklahoma process server tends to have certain capabilities that an Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Deputy simply does not – at least in most cases.  Please allow us to elucidate . . .
            Oklahoma sheriff’s deputies are paid about fifty dollars to serve process on individuals, businesses and governmental agencies.  Once hired, they usually get around to serving the papers between seven to ten days later.  They also work between the hours of eight to five o’clock.  If they have to serve try more than one address, they usually charge a brand new fee for service.  Unfortunately, these are not the only factors that limit their effectiveness 

An Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Deputy will only put forth some of the most basic effort.  Ergo, if a person answers the door and says that _______ [insert name here] is not at home, then a sheriff’s deputy often has to just take that person at his or her word.  They simply do not have the time or the human resources to extensively investigate the matter.   This places yet another severe limitation on what they can do, and this is yet another reason why choosing an Edmond, Oklahoma process server over an Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Deputy is the right choice.

Oklahoma City process servers, on the other hand, have numerous advantages for many of the same reasons that are disadvantages for a sheriff’s deputy.  An outstanding Norman, Oklahoma process server can serve papers early in the morning or, in some cases, in the middle of the night.  Process servers in Yukon, Oklahoma can wait there all day and night, if paid, in an effort to find and serve the individual.  They can check as many addresses as needed, and they can often perform skip tracing to find elusive individuals.  For these reasons, a wonderful private process server is usually the best choice.  However, one exception does exist.

Under the law, federal agencies (i.e., federal prisons) are supposed to allow process servers in Oklahoma onto their property to serve federal inmates.  However, the federal government and those that work within the walls of the prisons could care less.  After all, they are the “feds”, so why should they care what “non-feds” think?  So, in this circumstance having a sheriff’s deputy serve the papers is always the best choice – and even they sometimes have problems getting onto the property!

It is always vital to thoroughly check the references and performance records of all Oklahoma private process servers.  The quality of each Moore, Oklahoma process server and the company they own or work for can vary widely, as can the service that sheriff’s deputies provide.  Indeed, an Oklahoma sheriff’s deputy might do a praiseworthy job, depending upon the type of service required and the deputy that serves the papers.  Just to make sure to consider all factors before you hire anyone.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lie Detection Tips and Tricks to Catch Liars in Oklahoma

Lie Detection Tips and Tricks to Catch Liars in Oklahoma

            At some point or another, everyone lies.  Some people consider certain lies to be harmless, but others contend that there is no such thing as a lie that does not hurt someone.  Whatever the case, many times lies do hurt others, and there are tips and tricks that lie detection experts use to avoid getting lied to.  The deception experts at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers would like to share a few additional body language signals that people often do when lying. 

            One way in which a person’s body can show you that he or she is lying, is when the person tells such an outlandish tale that it starts to sound believable.  That is exactly right!  In an effort to make someone else think the lie is really true, a good liar in Oklahoma will intentionally try to embellish the lie to where others think it is something he or she could not just “make up”.  Unfortunately, such a lie is indeed just that – a made-up fallacy!

            Another deception indicator is when a person never points, especially when someone has accused him or her of doing something wrong.  If someone is speaking with conviction or authority, he or she will often point into the air or at someone else.  However, someone who is not standing on firm ground will be less likely to do so.  This is something else to watch out for when trying to determine whether or not an individual is lying or telling the truth.   

            Something else deception experts look for when trying to determine if someone in Oklahoma is lying to you, is to look at the direction the individual stands when speaking to you.  Lie detection experts can often find such people standing to the side of the individual or visibly wanting to leave.  This happens because the liar  in Oklahoma feels uncomfortable with directly facing an accuser, because it adds to the level of discomfort the liar feels.

            Another lie detection technique includes looking for phrases by people that depersonalize the situation.  If someone asks Mark if he stole money from the cashier’s box and he replies, “No, of course I didn’t!  Stealing is wrong.  You know how I feel about stealing!” . . . he is likely lying.  By making a statement like this, Mark is unconsciously trying to push the uncomfortable situation further away from him.

            These are just a few more indicators of lying that a person in Oklahoma trained in lie detection can help spot.  There are no absolutes, and there are a wide variety of other indicators that can indicate deception.  In addition, there are ways other than body language that an excellent lie detection expert can use to help bring out the truth.  These, of course, are items that the lie detection experts at Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers will discuss in a future article.           

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Why Process Servers and Private Investigators Who Steal Clients From Oklahoma Private Investigation and Process Server Companies Seldom Prosper

Why Process Servers and Private Investigators Who Steal Clients From Oklahoma Private Investigation and Process Server Companies Seldom Prosper

            Anyone who has ever served in the field of process serving, private investigation, etc., has likely needed to collaborate with another professional in the field.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers does so all the time.  Depending upon the other private investigators or process servers one is working with, this can prove to be relatively enjoyable experience or can turn out to be a major headache.  Indeed, all too often in this competitive field, other process servers and private investigators have an inclination to get greedy, bossy, and sometimes even steal customers.  This, of course, hurts all parties concerned and is extremely detrimental to the client.

            A process server or private investigator who steals other clients or who makes sanctimonious, unreasonable demands excessive amounts of for money will quickly obtain a poor reputation in the field.  No attorney, business, process serving or private investigation company, or private individual wants to continue a business relationship with others who try to cheat, steal and gouge.  Unfortunately, whereas collaboration can work to the benefit of everyone concerned, not everyone is willing to collaborate and work together.

            Likewise, sometimes a process server in another state (i.e., California) that an Oklahoma process serving company has hired to assist them will sometimes try to start interacting directly with the client.  This is almost always done without permission and with the intention to undermine the Oklahoma process server’s own business.  Once again, this short term gain will eventually cause much greater losses for the private investigator or process server who is busy stealing clients.

            One way to combat this is to have each process server or private investigator hired in sign a non-compete agreement.  These contracts can specify that the other process server or private investigator is not allowed to contact the specific client(s), have someone else do so, etc.  If they do, the process server or private investigation firm that hired them can sue them and win damages in court, etc.  However, some Oklahoma process servers would contend that getting this accomplished is easier said than done.

            Not all process server and private detective agencies are willing to sign such agreements.  These professionals might be “insulted” that one would even ask them to consider such a thing.  However, those private investigators and process servers that are unwilling to sign them are often the most likely to go behind the back of those who first hired them anyway.  Thus, their unwillingness to do so should serve as an enormous red flag, and all process servers and private investigators should avoid enlisting their help.

Other Oklahoma City private investigators and Yukon, Oklahoma process servers might note that tracking the people they have hired to determine whether or not they are going behind their backs to steal clients is quite difficult.  Fortunately, by doing “quality assurance checks” on them occasionally, one can usually find out who served the papers.  Thus, an Oklahoma process server goes online and checks to see who has been filling out the affidavits of service for an certain attorney.  If the person listed on the affidavit of service for the new cases is the same one the Oklahoma process server originally hired in to do the work, then he or she is violating the terms of the agreement.

While trying to track whether private investigators have engaged in this unethical practice can be a bit more difficult, a significant red flag might emerge whenever the Oklahoma private investigation firm sees a sudden drop in what is otherwise steady business from a customer.  This drop, of course, could be coincidental (i.e., the attorney is ill), but it could also require a bit of investigation on the part of the private investigator who hired the staff member or independent contractor to begin with.

Trying to monitor the activities of process servers and private investigators can prove to be a very time consuming task.  Therefore, taking great care in who is hired in is extremely important.  Performing background checks, asking for references, etc., can be vital.  Any process server or private investigation agency that refuses to provide references is one to avoid. 

While even the best and supposedly most trustworthy process servers and private investigators can betray the trust of those they have hired in, anyone who steals clients from others is seldom prosperous for very long.  Reputations spread, and other process servers, private investigators, law firms, governmental agencies, and more will find themselves much less likely to want to provide business to those unscrupulous individuals.  It is far better for all concerned to play fairly and to treat one another with respect and dignity.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Why Oklahoma Private Investigators, Mobile Notaries and Process Servers Should Join the Better Business Bureau

Why Oklahoma Private Investigators, Mobile Notaries and Process Servers Should Join the Better Business Bureau

            The Better Business Bureau (BBB) can provide numerous benefits to Oklahoma private investigators and process servers.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers, which has Oklahoma process servers, private investigators, deception experts, notary public officials, private security, document retrieval specialists, bail bonds, expert witnesses, bodyguards, and mobile notaries, is a proud member of the Better Business Bureau of Oklahoma City for many reasons.  Indeed, the Better Business Bureau is helpful not only to professionals in fields such as these, but also to others in a wide variety of areas that provide goods and/or services.   

            One of the biggest benefit that an Oklahoma private investigator can gain from joining the BBB, is knowing that potential customers are more likely to view his or her company as trustworthy and honest.  A process serving company in Oklahoma City, Edmond, Moore, Norman, or elsewhere in Oklahoma is really only as good as the service it provides.  High quality service helps process servers garner a praiseworthy reputation in the industry. 

In addition, potential customers who see the Better Business Bureau’s logo on the door of an Oklahoma private investigation company, are more likely to believe in its commitment to quality and ethical standards.  Firms can proudly display this logo on their websites, on store windows and doors, etc.  The commitment to excellence that process servers and private investigators must make to obtain it gives Oklahoma private investigators the extra reputation boost they need to succeed.  Clients often trust members of the Better Business Bureau more than other process serving and private detective agencies, too.  But the benefits for Oklahoma polygraph examiners, mobile notaries and others do not stop there!

As everyone knows quite well, America loves its court system.  The population as a whole loves to sue doctors, our spouses, other businesses, and sometimes even our own kids.  Even the most reputable Oklahoma private detective agency or process serving company is not immune from getting dragged into court.  However, Oklahoma notary public companies, expert witnesses, etc., who are members of the BBB have an extra chance to resolve matters outside of the courtroom.  Customers who are familiar with the BBB’s complaint system can file a complaint instead of going right to court.  This can often help to effectively reduce the number of expensive lawsuits, lawyers, court costs, service fees, and more for everyone involved.

These are just a few of the numerous benefits of the Better Business Bureau.  Oklahoma process servers, private investigators, notary public officials, polygraph examiners, bail bond companies, private security companies, and others can surely benefit from becoming a part of the BBB.  In fact, one can easily find Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers’ Better Business Website location at  All reputable Oklahoma private investigation and process server companies should give serious consideration to joining the BBB as well.