Helping Police Officers Understand the Role of Oklahoma Process Servers
City police
officers in Oklahoma can often prove to be helpful to process servers when a
person they are trying to serve gets unruly or violent. Indeed, it is important to continually build
up these vital relationships with police officers, as process servers sometimes
really need them in sticky situations.
However, there are also times when city police officers, none of whom
perform the civil serves in Oklahoma, can really hinder your case. Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers knows this all too well. There are a few very helpful tips that can
help things go smoother when interacting with them.
Firstly, it
is always important to try your very best to be polite and mutually
respectful. The old adage that says,
“You’ll catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” is generally true. Police officers who know you and with whom
you have built a trusting relationship with are more likely to help you than those
who have an aversion to the mere sight of you.
It is also
a good idea to let police officers know where you are going to be and for how
long during stakeouts. If you tell the
dispatcher where you are and how long you plan to be there, they are likely to
pass the word on to the police officers so that they do not inadvertently give
away your location, identity, etc, by driving up to question you. This open and honest dialogue will help you
keep your lines of communication with them intact, and it will help improve
your chances of serving the individual for your client.
process servers will also always want to carry their licenses with them. If process servers have their licenses on
them and are on official business, it makes it a lot more difficult for police
officers to tell them to leave, arrest them, etc. It is really essential for process servers in
Oklahoma to always carry their license on them, and it is also required by law.
police officers do not have a clue about what process servers do and what their
rights and responsibilities are. Thus, many
of them know few if any of the laws pertaining to process servers’ work. In cases such as this, it is extremely
helpful to have a copy of the process server laws and rights on hand. In the eyes of the law, process servers
pretty much have the same rights as a sheriff’s deputy when serving papers,
with a few minor exceptions.
A copy of some of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure can be
found here . . . Oklahoma process servers will also want to
familiarise themselves with the Oklahoma
Rules of Civil Procedure, which they can find here . . . Knowledge is power and protection! Gently informing the police officers of your
rights and responsibilities can help you get the serve done right!
process servers are performing a stakeout or are otherwise on official
business, sometimes police officers might ask to see the papers they are
serving. Under Oklahoma law, the papers
process servers are serving are confidential, and the police officer is not
entitled to see the legal nature of the papers or the parties involved. Police officers have their own jobs to do
while process servers have theirs.
Neither one should encroach upon the other’s official duties, and
sometimes process servers must stand their legal ground.
It is possible to show the police
officer the very top of the page which only shows the court of
jurisdiction. This way the officer knows
you are really serving papers and are on official business. The choice as to whether or not you show them
that portion still ultimately rests with each Oklahoma process server.
Making contacts with police
lieutenants, captains and chiefs can also come in very handy. Many police officers know nothing about the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the Oklahoma Rules of Civil Procedure. Indeed, some will interfere with process
servers’ duties – even if they have a copy of the rules in front of them. If a process server in Oklahoma has worked
hard to build up positive working relationships with police lieutenants,
captains and chiefs, then a quick phone call to one of them might quickly
settle the entire matter and let officer of the court proceed unhindered with his
or her business.
It is important to remember that most
police officers can be a valuable resource to process servers, though they are
seldom legally able to provide helpful information. Part of serving as a professional process
server includes working together with law enforcement officials and establishing
clear lines of communication. Sometimes
the education part of it comes into play with regard to the differentiation of
roles, but diplomacy, tact, and a little patience can often pay off big time!
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