Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Why Private Investigators and Process Servers Should Keep a Low Profile on the Internet

Why Private Investigators and Process Servers Should Keep a Low Profile on the Internet

            Oklahoma private investigators and process servers should often intentionally try to keep a low personal/individual profile on the Internet.  Indeed, many private investigators and process servers do indeed own their own private detective agencies and process server companies.  However, revealing the owner’s identity and those of the private investigators that work there can sometimes prove hazardous to private investigators, process servers, and the clients they serve.  Oklahoma Judicial Process Servers www.OklahomaJudicialProcessServers.com elucidates . . .

`           Oklahoma City private investigators and process servers, by their very definition, may want to keep their identities as secretive as possible.  While these professionals do have to identify themselves when asked by law enforcement officials, etc., it is usually best if their identity is not out there all over the Internet.  If it is, then it is quite a bit easier for those seeking to discover their identity. 

            Let us assume that a process server has gone to make a serve.  His or her name will be there on the affidavit of service (AoS).  When someone eventually files this document, it becomes a matter of public record.  Given how many people have taken to insulting, attacking, and even killing Oklahoma process servers, who wants to make their personal information easily accessible on the Internet?  Why give someone who might be very mentally or emotionally unstable the extra opportunity to track down and potentially harm a licensed process server who was merely doing his or her job?  It is bad enough that many people already try to do so while process server is trying to serve the papers.

            This same concept holds true for private investigators.  Private investigators are supposed to try to keep their identities more secretive, hence the word “private” investigator.  Someone who has his or her name out there all over the place is sometimes doing a disservice to both himself or herself and his or her clients.  This is especially true for private detectives who may get called in as expert witnesses during court cases. 

Anyone who has ever served as a private investigator in Oklahoma for any length of time has undoubtedly had to take the stand at least once.  Why make it easy for the opposing side to find out things about an Oklahoma private investigator that could discredit him or her on the stand?  Privacy is already a thing of the past, and there is no need to make the other side’s job easier.

Of course, keeping one’s identity a secret is not always an easy task, and sometimes doing so comes with its downsides.  Many professionals use their identity to market their business.  A great number of private detectives and process servers work alone or perhaps with a partner, and they need to market themselves.  Otherwise, they will not have any clients and will soon go out of business.  Besides, by having a great deal of positive information out there about one’s company, it can help preempt the negative kinds of feedback that can hurt business.

Others in the field might contend that there are many ways in which one can market his or her company on the Internet without using personally identifiable information.  For a little extra money, one can conceal the owner’s name of a website domain name.  Likewise, instead of the process server or private investigator choosing to use his name to market the detective agency or process serving company, he or she can use actors or can use other marketing methods that focus more on the company and less on any one individual.

If someone wants to find out the “goods” on an Oklahoma private investigator or Edmond process server, then a simple report that a private investigator can run on TLO www.tlo.com can often do the job.  While TLO will not always pull up much “dirt” or “goods” on an individual, it sometimes does.  In addition, TLO can also provide the “beginning pathway” to help make it easier to find additional information about a process server or private investigator. 

Facebook www.Facebook.com is one of these beginning pathways that can also add more information, which is why it is inadvisable to keep much identifiable information easily accessible the public on social media networks.  Facebook and other social media sites have proven to help lead to the ultimate downfall of politicians, teachers, and a wide variety of other professionals.

While having a personal life on the Internet might be fun and is sometimes helpful when promoting a business, those conducting private investigations and who serve process must first give it serious thought.  There are pros and cons to putting one’s personal information out there, and either way it is a double-edged sword.  Private investigators and Oklahoma City process servers should weigh the costs against the benefits to decide what works best for them.

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